Newly Adopted Ordinances & Resolutions
The Ordinances and Resolutions below were recently adopted by the Board of Commissioners but currently have not been codified in the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances book.
Ordinance No. 02-2025-672 – Amending §602 of Chapter 1, Part 6, (Police Pension Fund) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances with the addition of sub-section 8 entitled “Purchase of Nonintervening Prior Police Service Time” to allow a service buyback provision afforded by Act 49 pursuant to 53 PA.C.S.A. § 9121 et seq. and the Pennsylvania First Class Township Code
Ordinance No. 12-2024-671 – Amending the Non-Uniformed Employees Defined Benefit Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System so that employee contributions for calendar year 2025 are reduced to three percent (3.0%) of compensation
Ordinance No. 12-2024-670 – Setting and reaffirming the rates of taxation, fixing the tax rate for the year 2025 and appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the township government during the current fiscal year
Ordinance No. 03-2024-669 – Amending Chapter 26, Part 1 entitled “Rents and Charges for Water Service” and repealing Part 3 entitled “Water Meters” of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances in its entirety to establish rates, rents and charges for furnishing water services to consumers and water meter calibration requirements for commercial businesses located in the Township of Salisbury
Ordinance No. 02-2024-668 – Adopting a new Chapter 5, Part 8, to be entitled “Mobile Food Vending”, of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to establish regulations with respect to mobile food vending within the township
Ordinance No. 01-2024-667 – Amending Chapter 21, Parts 1 and 4, entitled “Openings and Excavations” and “Curbing and Sidewalks”, respectively, of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to establish regulations with respect to certain road degradation, curbing and sidewalk installation and repair activities along public streets, roadways and right-of-ways within the township
Ordinance No. 12-2023-666 – Setting and reaffirming the rates of taxation, fixing the tax rate for the year 2024 and appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the township government during the current fiscal year
Ordinance No. 12-2023-665 – Amending the Non-Uniformed Employees Defined Benefit Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System so that employee contributions for calendar year 2024 are reduced to two and one-half percent (2.5%) of compensation
Ordinance No. 10-2023-664 – Amending Section 15-209 of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles, Part 2, entitled “Traffic Regulations” to establish regulations restricting left turns at 1400 Gaskill Ave when traveling north on Gaskill Ave at certain times
Ordinance No. 10-2023-663 – Amending Chapter 16, Parts 1 and 3, entitled “Use of Public Parks and Playgrounds” and “Types of Hunting Permitted in Certain Township Parks” respectively of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to establish regulations with respect to certain activities at public parks
Ordinance No. 05-2023-662 – Providing for the vacation of a portion of Roosevelt Avenue adjoining 1525, 1527, 1529, 1531, 1533, 1535 and 1537 Roosevelt Avenue, an unopened paper street located within the boundaries of Salisbury Township pursuant to Article XX of the Pennsylvania First Class Township Code
Ordinance No. 05-2023-661 – Amending Section 15-407 of The Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles, Part 4, General Parking Regulations to establish a handicap parking space at the north curb line of the 700 block Of East Lexington Street, measuring 310 feet east from the intersection Of East Lexington Street and South Gilmore Street
Ordinance No. 02-2023-660 – Amending section 503 of cHAPTER 1, part 5, entitled “Police Department” of The Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to clarify and establish the ranks of the Salisbury Township Police Department
Ordinance No. 12-2022-659 – Amending Section 15-407 of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles, Part 4, General Parking Regulations to establish a handicap parking space at the east curb line of 33rd Street SW, between the Strand and Devonshire Road approximately twenty-five feet (25′) south of the pre-existing handicap parking signage
Ordinance No. 12-2022-658 – Amending the non-uniformed employees defined benefit pension plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System so that employee contributions for calendar year 2023 are reduced to two and one-half percent (2.5%) of compensation
Ordinance No. 12-2022-657 – Setting and reaffirming the rates of taxation, fixing the tax rate for the year 2023 and appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the Township government during the current fiscal year
Ordinance No. 11-2022-656 – Authorizing and directing the issuance of General Obligation Note, Series of 2022 (the “note”) in the aggregate principal amount of $1,841,000
Ordinance No. 10-2022-655 – Approving appointment of Solicitor, interest assessment, and attorney fees and collection fees added to the amount collected as part of unpaid real estate taxes and municipal claims for delinquent accounts
Ordinance No. 09-2022-654 – Amending Section 503 of Chapter 1, Part 5 entitled “Police Department” of the Code of Ordinances to establish the rank of Lieutenant to the police department and to change Patrolman to “Patrol Officer”
Ordinance No. 07-2022-653 – Repealing Ordinance nos. 92 and 260 and reinstating Ordinances 207 and 11-88-303 which were erroneously cited in Ordinance 10-2021-642 (Littering and Dumping Regulations)
Ordinance No 07-2022-652 – Amending Part 3 “Districts” of Chapter 27 (“Zoning Ordinance”) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to add Section 310 providing regulations for cluster housing development option
Ordinance No 07-2022-651 – Amending Part 6, “Off-Street Parking and Loading”, of Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 07-2022-650 – Amending Section 1-816 of Chapter 1, Part 8(B) entitled “Tax Collector” of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to set the reimbursement rate for various expenses for the elected Tax Collector
Ordinance No. 04-2022-649 – Amending Chapter 6, of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances with the addition of Part 8 entitled “Disruptive Conduct”
Ordinance No. 02-2022-648 – Approving collection procedures, appointment of solicitor, interest assessment, credit card and debit card charges, and fees and costs to be added to the amount collected as part of unpaid municipal claims for delinquent accounts
Ordinance No. 01-2022-647 – Amending Part 3, “Districts”, of Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 12-2021-646 – Setting and reaffirming the rates of taxation, fixing the tax rate for the year 2022 and appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the Township government during the current fiscal year
Ordinance No. 12-2021-645 – Amending the non-uniformed employees defined benefit pension plan
Ordinance No. 12-2021-644 – Amending Chapter 13, Part 2, entitled “Cable Television Franchise” and granting a cable franchise service to Service Electric Cable TV
Ordinance No 10-2021-643 – Amending Chapter 6 of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No 10-2021-642 – Repealing Ordinances No. 207 and 11-88-303; Amending Chapter 6 Part 3 of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances and Adopting New Regulations Prohibiting Dumping and Littering Within the Township; and Providing for Enforcement, Fines and Penalties
Ordinance No. 08-2021-641 – Amending Chapter 9 (Grading and Development Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 07-2021-640 – Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Note, Series of 2021 in the Aggregate Principal Amount of $6,546,000
Ordinance No. 06-2021-639 – Amending Part 2, “Definitions”, of Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 06-2021-638 – Amending Part 5, “Environment Protection”, of Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 06-2021-637 – Amending Part 10, “Design Standards and Required Improvements”, of Chapter 22 (Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 06-2021-636 – Amending Part 2, “Definitions”, of Chapter 22 (Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 06-2021-635 – Amending Chapter 25 (Tree Maintenance, Removal, and Replacement Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 01-2021-634 – Amending Chapter 18, entitled “Sewers and Sewage Disposal”, part 3, §302.1.b(2}(b) of the Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 01-2021-633 – Vacating a portion of Eisenhower Avenue extending between a dead end and Webster Avenue
Ordinance No. 12-2020-632 – Amending the Non-Uniformed Employees Defined Benefit Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System so that employee contributions for calendar year 2021 are reduced to two percent (2.0%) of compensation
Ordinance No. 12-2020-631 – Setting and reaffirming the rates of taxation, fixing the tax rate for the year 2021 and appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the Township government during the current fiscal year
Ordinance No. 08-2020-630 – Amending Section 807 of Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances with respect to temporary tents, structures or uses
Ordinance No. 03-2020-629 – Amending Section 15-407 of The Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles, Part 4, General Parking Regulations to establish a handicap parking space at 1611 33rd Street SW, 15 feet north of the yellow curb at the Intersection of Victoria Circle and 33rd Street SW
Ordinance No. 03-2020-628 – Repealing Parts 1 (Building Code), 2 (Plumbing Code) and 3 (National Electric Code) of The Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 5 (Code Enforcement)
Resolution No. 02-2025-1848 – Appointing Christopher C. Muvdi, Esquire as the Conflict Solicitor for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 02-2025-1847 – Amending Section 1-816 of Chapter 1, Part 8(b) entitled “Tax Collector” of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to set the reimbursement rate for (duplicate bills) and various expenses for the elected tax collector
Resolution No. 02-2025-1846 – Approving an intermunicipal cooperative agreement for shared public works equipment/machinery between South Whitehall Township and Salisbury Township
Resolution No. 01-2025-1845 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of MUNICIBID or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 01-2025-1844 – Resolution for plan revision for new land development
Resolution No. 01-2025-1843 – Setting and fixing fees for the Township for calendar year 2025
Resolution No. 01-2025-1842 – Appointing a primary Sewage Enforcement Officer and Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers for the Township
Resolution No. 01-2025-1841 – Resolution for plan revision for new land development
Resolution No. 01-2025-1840 – Amending Section 1-816 of Chapter 1, Part 8(B) entitled “Tax Collector” of the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances to set the reimbursement rate for various expenses for the elected Tax Collector
Resolution No. 12-2024-1839 – Providing for a reduction in the year 2025 of the amount which members of the Salisbury Township Police Department are required to contribute to the Salisbury Township Police Pension Fund
Resolution No. 12-2024-1838 – Amending §102(A) of Chapter 26, Part 1, “Water”, of the Code Of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the water rate and amending Sections 302(L)(A)(L) and 302(L)(B)(2) of Chapter 18, Part 3, “Sewers And Sewage Disposal”, of the Code Of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the sewer rates
Resolution No. 11-2024-1837 – Conditionally approving the revised preliminary/final major subdivison plan with respect to the subdivision proposed by Thomas P. Williams, Sr. for the property located at 621 East Lynwood Street, Allentown, PA
Resolution No. 11-2024-1836 – Authorizing the installation of two (2) signs located on the real property of the Wildlands Conservancy, Inc. in accordance with §27-703 of the Salisbury Township Zoning Ordinance
Resolution No. 11-2024-1835 – Adoption and promulgation of the Salisbury Township Emergency Operations Plan
Resolution No. 11-2024-1834 – Authorizing and approving the submission of a local share account statewide grant application to purchase portable radio equipment for the Township Police Department and Volunteer Fire Companies
Resolution No. 10-2024-1833 – Accepting the abandonment of development plan of Plot 886, LLC and releasing letter of credit regarding the same
Resolution No. 10-2024-1832 – Adoption of the Lehigh Valley 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan update
Resolution No. 10-2024-1831 – To rescind Resolutions 5-88-573 and 5-88-580 and establish payment of expenses for the members serving on the Zoning Hearing Board and Planning Commission effective January 1, 2025
Resolution No. 10-2024-1830 – Approving the sale of the property located at 3015 Barrington Lane, Salisbury Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania
Resolution No. 09-2024-1829 – To recognize Edward Delviscio for his volunteer work and efforts for the residents of the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 09-2024-1828 – To recognize John Eberhard for his volunteer work and efforts for the residents of the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 09-2024-1827 – To recognize Charles Beck for his volunteer work and efforts for the residents of the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 09-2024-1826 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of MUNICIBID or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code Of Ordinances
Resolution No. 09-2024-1825 – Authorizing and approving a grant application to provide a new concrete drive apron and parking lot repaving at the Eastern Salisbury Fire Hall
Resolution No. 09-2024-1824 – Conditionally Approving the revised preliminary/final land development plan with respect to the land development proposed by Bedminster Building Company, Inc. for the property located at 1350 E. Susquehanna Street, Allentown, PA
Resolution No. 09-2024-1823 – Authorizing the Township’s sale of taxidermy wildlife by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 08-2024-1822 – Authorizing and directing the Township Manager and Salisbury Township to enter into an auction listing agreement for real estate
Resolution No. 07-2024-1821 – Approving the revised preliminary/final land development plan with respect to the land development proposed by Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, Inc. for the property located at 2638 West Rock Road, Allentown, PA
Resolution No. 05-2024-1820 – Authorizing the Township’s sale of equipment identified herein to Upper Nazareth Township, Northampton County, PA
Resolution No. 05-2024-1819 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of MUNICIBID or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 05-2024-1818 – To rename Green Acres Park in honor of Frank Mccullough Sr.
Resolution No. 05-2024-1817 – Approving the revised preliminary/final land development plan with respect to the land development proposed by Thomas P. Williams, Sr. for the property located at 2844 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, PA
Resolution No. 04-2024-1816 – Approving the removal of the former Nippert property from the Act 319 Clean and Green Program
Resolution No. 03-2024-1815 – Adopting the South Whitehall Township Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan (public-to-public system transfer)
Resolution No. 03-2024-1814 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 03-2024-1813 – Authorizing the acceptance of a proposal for demolition of the dwelling located at 1316 E Emmaus Ave
Resolution No. 03-2024-1812 – Aaming an auditor to perform the audits of the Township accounts for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025 and establishing compensation for services
Resolution No. 01-2024-1811 – Setting and fixing fees for the Township for calendar year 2024
Resolution No. 01-2024-1810 – Authorizing the township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 01-2024-1809 – Appointing Kerry Rabold as Township Flood Plain Administrator
Resolution No. 01-2024-1808 – Appointing Mr. Kyle Watson as Township Fire Marshal
Resolution No. 01-2024-1807 – Appointing the Primary Township Building Code Official for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2024-1806 – Appointing a Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer and Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers for the township
Resolution No. 01-2024-1805 – Appointing Hanover Engineering Associates as the Alternate Township Engineer for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2024-1804 – Appointing Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. as the Township Engineer for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2024-1803 – Appointing Gross Mcginley, LLP as the Township Solicitor and Establishing the manner of compensation of the Solicitor for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2024-1802 – Appointing Cathy Bonaskiewich as Assistant Township Treasurer
Resolution No. 01-2024-1801 – Appointing Tamara Kulik Smarch as Township Treasurer
Resolution No. 01-2024-1800 – Appointing Mr. Alessandro Nicolo as Assistant Township Secretary
Resolution No. 01-2024-1799 – Appointing Cathy Bonaskiewich as Township Secretary
Resolution No. 12-2023-1798 – Providing for a reduction in the year 2024 of the amount which members of the Salisbury Township Police Department are required to contribute to the Salisbury Township Police Pension Fund
Resolution No. 12-2023-1797 – Amending §102(a) of Chapter 26, Part 1, “Water”, of the Code of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the water rate and amending sections 302(1)(a)(l) and 302(1)(8)(2) of Chapter 18, Part 3, “Sewers and Sewage Disposal”, of the Code of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the sewer rates effective January 1, 2024
Resolution No. 12-2023-1796 – Setting the billing rate for municipal solid waste and recycling collection services
Resolution No. 11-2023-1795 – Approving the preliminary/final land development plan at 1525 E. Susquehanna Street, Salisbury Township, Pennsylvania
Resolution No. 11-2023-1794 – Amending sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 9.1, 9.3, and 10.2 of the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission to clarify and conform the rules concerning ranks and promotions to the actual practice of the Township and Police Department
Resolution No. 10-2023-1793 – Supporting an Act 537 sewage facilities plan update public-to-public wastewater disposal system transfer for South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County
Resolution No. 09-2023-1792 – Supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (AMERICA250PA)
Resolution No. 09-2023-1791 – Authorizing and approving a grant application for the construction of a new salt shed and relocation of fueling equipment (Statewide Local Share Assessment)
Resolution No. 09-2023-1790 – Authorizing and approving a grant application for the construction of a new salt shed and relocation of fueling equipment (Northampton/Lehigh County Local Share Assessment)
Resolution No. 09-2023-1789 – Approving the adoption of the City of Bethlehem Act 537 Special Study
Resolution No. 09-2023-1788 – For plan revision for new land development
Resolution No. 07-2023-1786 – Authorizing execution of Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement with PennDOT
Resolution No. 06-2023-1785 – Approving the removal of the former Mcauliffe Asphalt Paving, Inc., property from the Act 319 Clean and Green Program
Resolution No. 06-2023-1784 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Alan Sulzer for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 05-2023-1783 – Declaring its intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual approved on December 16, 2008, as amended on March 28, 2019, and all subsequent amendments
Resolution No. 04-2023-1782 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 04-2023-1781 – Authorizing Salisbury Township to enter into the additional participation agreements with additional settling defendants, Teva, Allergan, Cvs, Walgreens and Walmart
Resolution No. 04-2023-1780 – Offering the Board of Commissioners of Salisbury Township’s support for the loan application and construction of the new fire station of The Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company
RESOLUTION NO. 03-2023-1779 – Consenting to the Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company’s fire station renovation project; authorizing and directing officers and officials of Salisbury Township to assist with any and all procedural requirements of the internal revenue code (“code”) to enable the Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company, as the sole obligor, to finance the project; authorizing any and all other necessary action; authorizing the taking of certain incidental actions and repealing all prior inconsistent resolutions
RESOLUTION NO. 03-2023-1778 – Setting the bond amount for the Township Tax Collector for the years 2022 through 2025
RESOLUTION NO. 03-2023-1777 – Appointing Mr. Thomas Cunningham II to serve as the Deputy Township Emergency Management Coordinator
RESOLUTION NO. 03-2023-1776 – Appointing Mr. James Wyatt Davis to serve as the Township Emergency Management Coordinator and setting the rate of annual stipend
Resolution No. 02-2023-1775 – Authorizing the Township Manager to execute documents for the purchase of real property from the estate of John Mcauliffe and Mcauliffe Asphalt Paving, Inc.
Resolution No. 01-2023-1774 – Appointing Hanover Engineering Associates as the Alternate Township Engineer for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2023-1773 – Appointing a primary Sewage Enforcement Officer and alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers for the Township for calendar year 2023
Resolution No. 01-2023-1772 – Setting and fixing fees for the Township for calendar year 2023
Resolution No. 01-2023-1771 – Providing for renumbering of prior resolutions to ensure secure recordkeeping for Salisbury Township
Resolution No. 11-2022-1770 – Amending civil service rules and regulations to remove existing 3.9e subsections (1) and (2) both requiring an applicant to have act 120 certification to apply as a police officer and modifying section 5.5 concerning conditional appointments
Resolution No. 12-2022-1769 – Authorizing and aproving a grant application for the repair and rehabilation of the sanitary sewer system
Resolution No. 12-2022-1768 – Authorizing and aproving a grant application for the replacement of an existing water main
Resolution No. 12-2022-1767 – Appointing Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. as the Township Engineer for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 12-2022-1766 – Appointing Gross Mcginley, LLP as the Township Solicitor and establishing the manner of compensation of the Solicitor for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 12-2022-1765 – Amending §102(a) of Chapter 26, Part 1, “Water”, of the Code of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the water rate and amending sections 302(1)(a)(l) and 302(1)(b)(2) of Chapter 18, Part 3, “Sewers and Sewage Disposal”, of the Code of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the sewer rates
Resolution No. 12-2022-1764 – Providing for a reduction in the year 2023 of the amount which members of the Salisbury Township Police Department are required to contribute to the Salisbury Township Police Pension Fund
Resolution No. 12-2022-1763 – Approving a preliminary/final land development plan at 3380 Lehigh Street, Salisbury Township, Pennsylvania
Resolution No. 12-2022-1762 – Approving the revised Southbury Park Major Subdivison Plan
Resolution No. 11-2022-1761 – A resolution requiring the Tax Collector of Salisbury Township to waive additional charges for real estate taxes beginning in tax year 2023 under certain circumstances when notice was not received, pursuant to Pennsylvania Act 57 of 2022
Resolution No. 11-2022-1760 – Appointing an interim Emergency Management Coordinator establishing and setting the annual stipend rate
Resolution No. 11-2022-1759 – Appointing Donald Sabo as Salisbury Township Chief of Police
Resolution No. 10-2022-1758 – To authorize entering into an easement and maintenance agreement with the parties (grantors) Kotch, Fletcher, Latshaw, Lota, Llc. and Brown for the installation and maintenance of a water line extending from Lehigh Parkway North into a private road and setting forth the parties’ respective rights and obligations for the same
Resolution No. 10-2022-1757 – To authorize the release of firearms to Mr. Kevin Soberick
Resolution No. 10-2022-1756 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Kevin J. Soberick for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 11-2022-1755 – Directing Lehigh County Tax Claim Bureau not to collect delinquent real estate taxes on behalf of Salisbury Township
Resolution No. 09-2022-1754 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances.
Resolution No. 08-2022-1753 – Appointing members to serve on the Police Pension Committee
Resolution No. 07-2022-1752 – Approving preliminary/final development plan of 1493 E. Emmaus Avenue
Resolution No. 07-2022-1751 – Authorizing Salisbury Township to accept Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant and submission of the RACP application and Grant Business Plan on behalf of The Lehigh Valley Health Network, Inc. and its affiliates
Resolution No. 06-2022-1750 – Amending the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission to change Section 8.3a to reduce length of service with Township Police Department from 4 years to 3 years for Corporal and Detective ranks
Resolution No. 05-2022-1749 – Approving the land development plan for 950 S. Ott Street, submitted by the Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company
Resolution No. 05-2022-1748 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Gary L. Kubat for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 05-2022-1747 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Ronald C. Patten for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 04-2022-1746 – Authorizing the Township Manager of Salisbury Township to execute a grant application and providing for a ten percent (10%) match commitment to undertake the project known as the “2023 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project”
Resolution No. 04-2022-1745 – To recognize Frank Bummer for his volunteer work and efforts for the residents of The Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 04-2022-1744 – To recognize John Kelly for his volunteer work and efforts for the residents of The Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 04-2022-1743 – To Recognize Gerald Royer for his volunteer work and efforts for the residents of The Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 04-2022-1742 – Authorizing the Township’s Sale/Trade of Vehicles and Other Equipment
Resolution No. 03-2022-1741 – To designate township officials authorized to execute all LSA-statewide Gaming Grant documents
Resolution No. 02-2022-1740 – Resolution for plan revision for new land development
Resolution No. 02-2022-1739 – Resolution for plan revision for new land development
Resolution No. 02-2022-1738 – Setting and fixing fees for the Township for calendar year 2022
Resolution No. 02-2022-1737 – Amending the members appointed to serve on the new Non-uniformed Defined Contribution Pension Plan Committee
Resolution No. 01-2022-1736 – Authorizing entering into the settlement agreements with McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., Amerisourcebergen Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Janssen Pharmaceuitca, Inc., and agree to the terms of the Pennsylvania Opioid Misuse and Addiction Abatement Trust
Resolution No. 01-2022-1735 – Approving the land development plan of 1860 E. Emmaus Avenue submitted by Crossroad Baptist Church (Application No. 21-0014)
Resolution No. 01-2022-1734 – Appointing Kerry Rabold as Township Flood Plain Administrator
Resolution No. 01-2022-1733 – Appointing Donald Sabo as Township Fire Marshal
Resolution No. 01-2022-1732 – Appointing David Knerr, Esquire as the Township Labor Counsel and establishing the manner of compensation for same
Resolution No. 01-2022-1731 – Appointing the primary Township Building Code Official for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2022-1730 – Appointing a primary Sewage Enforcement Officer and alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers for the Township
Resolution No 01-2022-1729 – Appointing Hanover Engineering Associates as the Alternate Township Engineer for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No 01-2022-1728 – Appointing Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc. as the Township Engineer for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No 01-2022-1727 – Appointing John Ashley, Esquire as the Township Solicitor and establishing the manner of compensation of the Solicitor for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No 01-2022-1726 – Appointing Cathy Bonaskiewich as Assistant Township Treasurer
Resolution No 01-2022-1725 – Appointing Tamara Kulik Smarch as Township Treasurer
Resolution No 01-2022-1724 – Appointing Mr. Alessandro Nicolo as Assistant Township Secretary
Resolution No 01-2022-1723 – Appointing Cathy Bonaskiewich as Township Secretary
Resolution No. 12-2021-1722 – Expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to James Seagreaves for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 12-2021-1721 – Amending §102(A) of Chapter 26, Part 1, “Water”, of the Code of Ordinances, in order to adjust and set the water rate
Resolution No. 12-2021-1720 – Providing for a reduction in the year 2022 of the amount which members of the Salisbury Township Police Department are required to contribute to the Salisbury Township Police Pension Fund
Resolution No 11-2021-1719 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Robert Myles Jr for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 11-2021-1718 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First-Class Township Code and the Township Code Of Ordinances
Resolution No. 10-2021-1717 – Authorizing the Township’s Sale/Trade of Vehicles and Other Equipment
Resolution No. 10-2021-1716 – For Plan Revision for New Land Development
Resolution No. 08-2021-1715 – Authorizing the Township’s Sale/Trade of Vehicles and other Equipment
Resolution No. 07-2021-1714 – Authorizing the Township’s Sale of Equipment to Dunnstable Township, Clinton County, PA
Resolution No. 07-2021-1713 – Amending the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission
Resolution No. 06-2021-1712 – Appointing James Levernier as Township public works director
Resolution No. 05-2021-1711 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to David Bonaskiewich for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 05-2021-1710 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the first class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 05-2021-1709 – Resolution for plan revision for new land development
Resolution No. 04-2021-1708 – Authorizing the township manager of Salisbury Township to execute a grant application and providing for a ten percent (10%) match commitment to undertake the project known as the “2022 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project”
Resolution No. 03-2021-1707 – Designation of Agent Resolution DR-4506 – COVID-19
Resolution No. 02-2021-1706 – Approving the change of indirect control of the franchisee under the cable television franchise
Resolution No. 02-2021-1705 – Setting and fixing fees for the Township for 2021
Resolution No. 02-2021-1704 – Approving the grading plan waiver request for property at 2911 Beacon Road
Resolution No. 02-2021-1703 – Approving the grading plan waiver request for property at 1756 Ritter Street
Resolution No. 02-2021-1702 – Naming an Auditor to audit the Township accounts for fiscal year 2020 and establishing compensation for services
Resolution No. 02-2021-1701 – Appointing the primary Township Building Code Official for the Township of Salisbury
Resolution No. 01-2021-1700 – Designating a depository
Resolution No. 01-2021-1699 – Appointing James Levernier as the acting public works director
Resolution No. 01-2021-1698 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Donald Zimmerman for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 01-2021-1697 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to John Andreas for his years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 12-2020-1694 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Letitia Forthman for her years of service to the Township and its citizens
Resolution No. 12-2020-1693 – Setting the billing rate for municipal solid waste and recycling collection services
Resolution No. 12-2020-1692 – Authorizing a loan to the Eastern Salisbury Fire Department from the Township General Fund for the purchase of a new rescue truck
Resolution No. 12-2020-1691 – Providing for a reduction in the year 2021 of the amount which members of the Salisbury Township Police Department are required to contribute to the Salisbury Township Police Pension Fund
Resolution No. 11-2020-1690 – Appointing Tamara Kulik Smarch as Tax Collector of the Township of Salisbury to serve until fiscal year ending December 31, 2021
Resolution No. 11-2020-1689 – Expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Linda J. Minger for her years of service to the Township and its citizens.
Resolution No. 11-2020-1688 – Approving the Mercedes-Benz and Porsche of the Lehigh Valley Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan
Resolution No. 10-2020-1687 – Authorizing the Township’s sale/trade of vehicles and other equipment identified herein by means of Municibid or trade-in pursuant to COSTARS purchases for new vehicles, or by public bid or auction consistent with the requirements of the First Class Township Code and the Township Code of Ordinances
Resolution No. 08-2020-1686 – Accepting the retirement notice from and expressing the appreciation of the members of the Board of Commissioners to Janet Freyling for her years of service to the Township and its citizens.
Resolution No. 08-2020-1685 – Approving a Revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of the Township
Resolution No. 07-2020-1684 – Resolution for Plan Revision for New Land Development
Resolution No. 07-2020-1683 – Approving the Plot 886 Final Major Subdivision Plan
Resolution No. 07-2020-1682 – Granting a waiver to SALDO Section 22-302.1.C for the Plot 886 LLC Final Major Subdivision Plan
Resolution No. 07-2020-1681 – Municipal Winter Traffic Services Agreement
Resolution No. 07-2020-1680 – Approving the Plot 886 Preliminary Major Subdivison Plan
Resolution No. 06-2020-1679 – Appointing Alok Patnaik as Commissioner of the Fifth Ward to Serve Until January 1, 2022
Resolution No. 05-2020-1678 – Appointing Kerry Rabold as Township Flood Plain Administrator
Resolution No. 05-2020-1677 – Appointing Ms. Kerry Rabold as the Township Zoning Officer.
Resolution No. 05-2020-1676 – Authorizing the Township Manager of Salisbury Township to execute a grant application and providing for a ten percent (10%) match commitment to undertake the project known as the “2021 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project”.
Resolution No. 04-2020-1675 – Approving a waiver request to SALDO Section 1011.6.C for 1248 Taft Avenue, Salisbury Township, Pennsylvania.
Resolution No. 03-2020-1674 – Amending Section 8.3(B) of The Salisbury Township Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations with respect to length of service to be eligible to apply for sergeant promotion.