Abandoned Homes: An Abandoned Home is still considered private property. Code Enforcement cannot enter a dwelling or property without the owner’s permission.
Accessory Apartment: An Apartment for a family member is restricted to a member in need of care and supervision due to old age, disability, handicap or illness. The building must maintain the appearance of a single-family dwelling, or a single-family, semi-detached dwelling with a single front entrance.
Address (Displaying Of): The number shall be placed on both sides of the mail box or supporting structure with reflective numbers not less than two inches high. Buildings without a mail box located at the street must have the address displayed on the building face.
Alley – Building Setback: Setback measurements are measured from the center of the alley.
Building Setback: Building Setbacks are determined by the Zoning District, and can be seen on the Township web site www.salisburytownshippa.org. To find your zoning district you may go to www.lehighcountyassessments.org, or call Salisbury Township at 610-797-4000.
Fire Arms: No person is permitted to fire any gun, rifle, air rifle, or fire arm on or across any public road, or across the property of another without first having obtained prior permission to do so from the owner. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or fire any fire arm or bow and arrow within 150 yards of any building without obtaining permission from the owner of said property.
Fireworks: An application shall be made in writing at least fifteen days in advance of the date of the display or discharge of fireworks.
Garage / Yard Sales: Garage / Yard Sales are permitted not more than four days total in any three consecutive months. If more than one sale is being held per dwelling unit in a calendar year, then each additional garage sale shall require a permit from the Zoning Officer in advance.
Health & Safety: Anything or condition that constitutes a public nuisance or danger to the public, safety or welfare of citizens of the Township or persons traveling on the public streets of the Township, or constitutes a danger to the property of others. In most cases a nuisance typically affects more than one neighbor.
High Grass: Grass and weeds cannot exceed twelve inches in height.
Home Occupation – Chapter 27, Part 4: Permit required.
Operation of ATV’S on Private Property: ATV’s must remain fifty feet from any property line, and one-hundred feet from a dwelling structure, including property road frontage and right-of-way line; unless written permission has been obtained from adjoining property owners. Two Stroke-type ATV’s shall remain at least fifty feet from any property line and three-hundred feet from a dwelling.
Outdoor Fires: Outdoor burning is permitted for cooking and recreational or ceremonial purposes only.
Permits: Residential Building Permits have a 15-day approval time period, and 30 days for non-residential or commercial permits. Please plan your project accordingly.
a. One miniature pig may be kept.
b. A total number of cats and dogs shall be a combined maximum of six, except a maximum of ten if the animals are kept two-hundred feet (200’) from any residential lot line.
c. A maximum of two horses are permitted on a lot of two acres or more.
d. A maximum of two chickens are permitted on a lot of one-quarter acre and two acres. No chickens are permitted on lots less than one-quarter acre. A maximum of 12 chickens are allowed on lots greater than two acres.
e. If there is more than one chicken, they must be kept a minimum of fifty feet from neighboring dwellings.
f. Animals are not permitted to run at large.
g. Animals that make noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of ten minutes, or intermittently for one-half hour or more to the disturbance of any person any time of the day or night is a violation.
Pool Water: Stagnant or green water is a health and safety violation.
Property Lines: The Township can provide a property plan with lot dimensions, and in most cases a plot plan showing the foundation location; however, a Land Surveyor may be needed to locate the lot lines when boundary pins cannot be found. Property line disputes are regarded as a private matter.
Recreational Vehicle Storage: Recreational Vehicles longer than twenty feet, not including the trailer hitch, cannot be stored for more than three days in any seven-day period in the front yard; and must be kept no closer than five feet to the property line. A recreational vehicle that is not registered must be kept out of view from any public street and neighboring homes. Motor homes, travel trailers, water craft/boats with a hull longer than 15 feet and any self-propelled, towed or carried by another vehicle are considered a recreational vehicle.
Residential Building Permit Required: A Building Permit is required for structural building alterations, pools, plumbing and electrical alterations. A Building Permit is not required for accessory structures under 1,000 square feet of floor space. SEE ZONING PERMIT.
Road Right-Of-Way: The road right-of-way is generally about 10 feet of area before the curb or road, and cannot be counted as a setback measurement when measuring for construction. The property owner is responsible to maintain the road right-of-way on their property. Call Code Enforcement (610-797-4000) to verify the road right-of-way width.
Roof Drains: Roof Drains (gutters) are not permitted to connect to sanitary sewer, and must discharge to infiltration areas such as a vegetative area. Gutters should not be directed to send water onto neighboring yards.
Septic Systems: Questions concerning Septic Systems are to be directed to the Salisbury Sewage Enforcement Officer, Scott Bieber. He may be reached at 610-972-8646.
Sewer Laterals: The property owner shall be responsible to maintain the sewer to the sewer main connection. Permits are required for repairs and road excavation.
Site Distance at Intersections: An unobstructed site distance triangle is required at intersections. Trees and shrubs at intersections must be maintained to allow for safe site distance view for vehicles entering a road. (See Ordinance requirements)
Solicitation: A license is required for soliciting.
Storm Water Easements: No person shall modify, remove, construct in or fill landscaping or vegetation into a storm water drainage easement without written approval of the municipality.
Structures of Fences Built Too Close To Property Line: In cases where a permitted fence or structure has been placed too close to a neighboring lot line, the burden of proof is on the party disputing the placement. Each permitted structure is approved based on the applicant’s requirement to submit accurate information for permit approval. In cases where a structure has been proven to be in violation of the required setback, a Violation Notice will be sent requiring the applicant to move such structure with 30 days.
Sump Pumps: Sump Pumps are not permitted to drain into the sanitary sewer system, and should not direct water onto neighboring properties.
Trash & Junk: Accumulation of trash and junk, including items such as parts, scrap and equipment will result in enforcement and possibly daily fines.
Trash Pick Up: It is the resident’s responsibility to provide enough containers to store trash. Trash can be placed for collection no earlier than 6:00 P.M. the night before collection. Containers must be removed the same day as collection.
Tree Branches Growing Over Property Lines: Trees are to be grown and maintained on every owner’s property. Tree branches and shrubs encroaching onto neighboring properties are regarded as a private matter, unless there is a potential for danger to the public.
Tree Harvesting (Logging): Contact the Salisbury Township Zoning Officer at 484-661-5831.
Tree Removal: In a CR District, a maximum of seven trees may be removed within a five-year period. A permit is required to remove more than one tree. In all other districts a maximum of three trees may be removed in a five-year period. Any tree located in the street right-of-way requires a Street Tree Removal Permit. In most cases, street trees must be replanted with a tree from the list of Township-approved trees. Trees that are less than six inches in diameter measuring four and one-half feet above the ground may be removed without a permit.
Trees & Shrubs: For any tree within or extending within the existing right-of-way of a public street, the property owner shall keep the tree limbs so that growth does not obstruct light from any street light, and maintain a clear minimum height of 10 feet above the street and eight feet above the sidewalk. A Tree Removal Permit is required.
Underground Utilities: Construction of any kind, including removing/replanting trees cannot begin until underground utilities have been located and marked by each utility company. To locate utilities call PA Dig at 1-800-242-1776.
Unopened Alleys & Unopened Roads: The Township forfeits its right to open alleys and roads 21 years after a Subdivision is recorded. Each owner of property that adjoins such alley or road has rights to its use, and is responsible to maintain their half. Structures are not permitted to be placed within unopened alleys or roads. A property owner may apply to take ownership of their half of the unopened alley or road. Disputes involving the use of unopened alleys or roads are regarded as a private matter, not to be addressed by the Township. (This is not intended to serve as legal information).
Vehicle Repairs: Vehicle Repairs in a residential area is permitted, except major repairs such as welding, body and paint work, substantial disassembly of the transmission and frame work. Repairs for payment or compensation are not permitted.
Vehicles: All Vehicles on private property must have current inspection and registration. Commercial vehicles rated at over a one-ton carrying capacity cannot be stored in a Residential District. Construction equipment cannot be kept or stored in a Residential District.
Zoning Permits: A Zoning Permit is required for the erection, construction, movement, placement or extension of any structure or building, including sheds and fences. See Township web site for details (Forms and Documents). A maximum of two accessory buildings are permitted with a total maximum floor space of 1,000 square feet on residential lots of one acre or less.
This is a condensed version of Ordinances that receive the most inquiries. The full Ordinance can be viewed at www.salisburytownshippa.org, or call Code Enforcement at 610-797-4000 for a more informative explanation on any code section.
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Fall Branch CollectionThe Salisbury Township Public Works Department will be conducting a curbside branch collection during the week of October 14. Residents should place their branches at the curb on Sunday, October […]
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