Fall Branch Collection

The Salisbury Township Public Works Department will be conducting a curbside branch collection during the week of October 14. Residents should place their branches at the curb on Sunday, October 13 after 6:00 p.m., and the crews will be around during the week to collect them. Please note: there is no set schedule/route for collection.  Branches may be no larger than five-feet long and five inches in diameter, and they should be bundled and tied with twine. An open container may be used for small twigs, but no bags or lids are permitted. No more than six bundles/cans per property is permitted.


Notice of Upcoming Water Line Replacement Project

Please be advised that the water line replacement project on Louise Lane will begin tomorrow, October 1st.  The construction should last approximately three weeks, and paving will follow shortly thereafter.  The road will be accessible to local traffic only, including trash and mail services.  There will be brief water shutoffs, but residents will be notified ahead of time.  Please contact the Department of Public Works with any questions at 610-797-4000, ext. 5850.


The Township of Salisbury, Lehigh County, PA (the “Township”), will be selling real property by public auction pursuant to 53 Pa. Stat. § 56501.1.  Specifically, 3015 Barrington Lane, Allentown, PA 18103, Lehigh County Parcel ID Number 549528809725-1, in the Township of Salisbury, which was transferred via Deed to the Township of Salisbury on May, 2024 and recorded in the Lehigh County Recorder of Deeds at Instrument Number 2024010951 (the “Subject Property”).

The Township has determined that the price of this Subject Property exceeds Six Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($6,000.00) and therefore must put this out for Notice of Public Auction. All bids must be submitted at the following online auction site:


3015 Barrington Lane
Allentown, PA 18103
BIDDING OPENS 10/11/24 @ 9:00 AM ET
BIDDING CLOSES 10/16/24 @ 1:00 PM ET

9/28/24 @ 12 – 3PM ET
10/6/24 @ 12-3PM ET

The Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and to waive any informality in any bid. The successful bidder must comply with all provisions set out in the Terms and Conditions for Timed Online Auction (the “Terms”) and any contract, consistent with the Terms, executed by the Township and the successful bidder. The Township makes no representations or warrants regarding the condition of the above-referenced Subject Property or the title for said Subject Property.

Interested parties, click here, to get more information.