Departments » Building/Code Enforcement

About Code Enforcement

The purpose of Code Enforcement is to enforce municipal ordinances and codes.  Local property maintenance ordinances are laws designed to address conditions that constitute either a public nuisance; a danger to the public health, safety or welfare of citizens of the Township or persons traveling on public streets of the Township; or constitutes a danger to the property of others.  Some examples of the kinds of issues that the Code Enforcement Department enforces are high weeds, junk vehicles, garbage and debris on property.

Residents of the Township may contact the Code Enforcement Department if they observe a potential violation of the Township’s ordinances and codes.  The Code Enforcement Department duties are primarily for the enforcement of ordinances and codes.  The Code Enforcement Department recommends that residents contact an attorney for questions regarding their rights.  There may be instances where a resident wants to file a complaint concerning a nuisance neighbor.  Please be mindful that code enforcement is not to be used to harass or retaliate against another neighbor.  In the case of a resident claiming that an unauthorized business is being conducted from a home, Code Enforcement will take appropriate measures to determine whether there is a business.  If so, Code Enforcement will follow up with an enforcement notice being issued to the owner of the property.

Township Ordinances and Codes can be viewed here.

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