Re-opening of Township Courts for Personal Use by Local Residents

As we now enter the yellow phase county-wide, we will begin re-opening some of the Township’s park facilities:

Tennis, Basketball and Pickleball Courts will be re-opened for personal use by local residents only, along with soccer and ballfields. NO TEAM PRACTICE OR ORGANIZED GAMES SHALL BE PERMITTED. The Township will also begin accepting park pavilion reservations.

Soccer and ballfield reservation requests for organized play continue to be suspended until further notice. Playground facilities and restrooms remain closed. Both of these will be re-evaluated as we near the green phase of re-opening.


Modified Drop-Off Site schedules will continue through June 2020, with a minor addition

Beginning Monday, June 1, 2020, both sites will continue to be open Monday to Friday from 8am-2pm, on alternating weeks, with the addition of Monday & Thursday evening and Saturday hours. Monday and Thursday evening hours will be 2pm-6pm, and Saturday hours will be 8am-1pm. Franko will be open the weeks of June 1st and 15th (Monday thru Saturday). Devonshire will be open the weeks of June 8th and 22nd (Monday thru Saturday). Again, this is a temporary change intended for the month of June only, and we will reassess the operation schedule beyond June sometime in the latter half of the month. It is subject to change at any time, depending on circumstances.

A Township employee will be stationed at the entrance gate, managing all site visitors. Residents will have to show proof of Township residency (their most recent utility bill would be optimal) and addresses will be logged. Only 3 cars will be allowed on-site at any given time; only when one car leaves another will be allowed in. 

As usual, the sites are open for residential use only; no landscapers or non-residential use will be allowed. All materials will be checked to ensure that they’re clean and not contaminated with other waste. Contaminated materials will not be allowed to be disposed of at the site.

In order to maintain appropriate social distancing, there will be no physical interaction between Township staff and the public. Residents must be able to unload materials and empty containers themselves. Residents must take all bags and containers utilized for the transportation of materials with them when they leave the drop-off site.

Masks will be required to be worn to enter the site.

Notice of Board of Commissioners Vacancy for WARD 5

The Township of Salisbury is seeking interested residents from WARD 5 to fill a vacancy on the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners. If you are interested and would like to be considered for the appointment, please submit an application form and resume to the attention of Township Manager, 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, PA 18103 or

The application can be found by clicking here.

Please respond no later than June 3, 2020.

For more information please contact: Cathy Bonaskiewich, Township Manager

Cathy Bonaskiewich
Township Manager/Secretary

Issued: 5/18/2020

Township’s Summer 2020 Playground Program Cancelled

The Township’s Summer Playground Program for the year 2020 is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we simply cannot move ahead with plans due to the current COVID-19 situation. Please check the Township’s website for continuing updates and information.

Guidance for Businesses in the Construction Industry Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency

The virus that causes Coronavirus 2019 Disease (“COVID-19”) is easily transmitted, especially in group settings, and it is essential that the spread of the virus be slowed to safeguard public health and safety. Previously, the Governor and Secretary of Health ordered most construction projects to cease unless they were supporting life-sustaining businesses or activities. Recognizing that the construction industry is vital to Pennsylvania’s economy, construction activities may resume in accordance with this guidance.

Businesses in the Commonwealth that have been permitted to maintain in-person operations during the disaster emergency, other than health care providers, must take several precautions to protect their employees, their employees’ families, and members of their communities. Businesses that are permitted to maintain in-person operations are those authorized under the Governor’s and Secretary’s Non-Life Sustaining Business Closure Orders, an exemption from those orders, or subsequent applicable order from the Governor and Secretary. All businesses (especially those that were originally closed and later permitted to re-open a portion of their operations) must review these guidelines and commit to ensuring the health and safety of their employees and the public, including construction businesses currently conducting in-person operations and those now able to resume activities.

Download the Guidelines »