Republic Service Trash Update January 21, 2022

Republic Service Trash Update:

Republic Services advise us that they will have a truck running on Saturday, January 22, 2022 for a few hours to clean up the missed pick-ups from this week. Please leave your trash curbside.


Important Information Regarding Dog Licensing

Pennsylvania’s Rabies Law:

Ignoring Pennsylvania’s rabies vaccination law can be costly – in more ways than one.  Dogs and cats are exposed to the rabies virus through wild and stray animals, posing a threat to their health and yours.

  • Dogs and cats three months or older must have a current rabies vaccination
  • Owners of non-vaccinated pets may be fined up to $300 plus court costs
  • Licensed veterinarians can vaccinate dogs and provide a vaccination certificate
  • Dog wardens perform random checks to ensure rabies vaccinations are current

License Your Dog.  It’s the Law:

  • All dogs three months or older must be licensed by Jan. 1 of each year
  • Owners of non-licensed dogs can be cited with a maximum fine of $300 per dog plus court costs
  • Dog wardens randomly canvass neighborhoods to ensure all dogs are licensed, violators may be fined
  • If your dog gets lost, a current license is the fastest way to get your dog back home
  • Licensing fees help the millions of dogs in Pennsylvania by funding the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement
  • Purchase a license from your local county treasurer or issuing agent
  • An annual license is $8.50 and a lifetime license is $51.50, if your dog is spayed or neutered, the annual fee is $6.50 and lifetime is $31.50, discounts are available to older adults and people with disabilities

Pennsylvania’s Dog Laws:

  • If your dog is not licensed, you may be fined up to $300 per dog.  Get a license at your county treasurer’s office.
  • Your dog must be under control and supervised at all times.  You are responsible for any damages caused by your dog on someone else’s property.
  • It is illegal to mistreat or abuse animals.  Report suspected abuse to your local humane organization or police.
  • Purposely poisoning a dog, whether it is yours or someone else’s, is illegal.
  • You may not abandon or attempt to abandon any dog. You could be fined $1,000 plus court costs. 
  • Puppies under eight weeks old cannot be bartered, traded, sold, or transferred.
  • You must have a kennel license if you keep, sell, transfer, adopt or foster at least 26 dogs in a calendar year.
  • If your dog attacks or kills a human or domestic animal without provocation, it may be considered dangerous.  You may face extensive fines and restrictions.

Where to Get a License

A dog sits with its owner.Licensing your dog: it’s part of being a responsible pet owner. Do it for them, do it for every dog in PA.

Having a dog license is the best way to bring them home if they get lost. And the cost of your dog license allows the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement to crack down on illegal kennels, investigate dog bites, and ensure dangerous dogs are not roaming the streets.

Dog licenses are available at Lehigh County Humane Society, 640 Dixon St., Allentown, PA 18103 or


License Your Dog in PA

All dogs three months or older must be licensed by Jan. 1 of each year. Violators can be cited with a maximum fine of $300 per violation plus court costs.

An annual license is $8.50 and a lifetime license is $51.50. If the animal is spayed or neutered, the annual fee is $6.50 and lifetime is $31.50. Discounts are available to older adults and people with disabilities.

The small license fee helps the millions of dogs in the state by funding the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement.
Dog licenses are available from your local county treasurer and other licensing agents.

Reasons for dog licensing:

  • It’s the law. All dogs three months and older must have a current license.
  • If your dog gets lost, a license is the best way to get him back. A license helps animal control and shelters identify your dog and get him back home safely.
  • The cost of a license is less than the penalty for being caught without one. Owners who fail to license their dogs could face a fine of up to $300 for each unlicensed dog.
  • License fees support animal control. The annual fee you pay to license your dog helps keep shelters running and supports the work of the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, which is responsible for ensuring the welfare of dogs, regulating dangerous dogs and overseeing annual licensing and rabies vaccinations.

Friendly Reminder about January Utility Bills

Friendly Reminder!

Please be advised that the January utility bills were sent out last week, and the net amount is due by January 25th.  If you are set up with Xpress Bill Pay, please be sure to check your email.  If you receive paper statements and have not received your bill, please feel free to contact the billing department at 484-661-5805. 

Important Message Regarding Trash & Recycling Collection Services

January 3, 2022

A Message to our Residents –

We at Salisbury Township understand the difficulty most everyone has experienced over the past year (or more) with ever-persistent impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic being felt everywhere.  Because of staffing shortages and the difficulties with retaining and maintaining a full complement of employees at any given time, this affect is especially evident throughout the service industry.  The Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Industry has likewise been impacted.

During 2021 in particular, many of you have experienced refuse and recycling collection service inconsistencies, some sporadic, some chronic, but all quite understandably frustrating.  We sincerely apologize to everyone who has been negatively impacted in such a way. 

As a courtesy to our residents and a thank you for your understanding of the issues at hand and for your continued patience as we work to mitigate them, we have issued a $36 credit on each refuse account on this upcoming January 2022 billing.

Please know we – along with Republic Services management team – are working diligently towards a remedy.  Unfortunately, some of the issues are simply beyond anyone’s control, and there simply is no easy fix.  Regardless, we persist in pushing for improvement.

In the interim, we have temporarily extended collection hours, so please be sure your items out at curbside by 5am in a location where they are both visible and accessible for collection by Republic Services’ drivers and helpers.  Ideally, you should place your items curbside the evening before your scheduled collection – any time after 6pm – in order to avoid calls for missed collections that were simply instances of items not being curbside timely. 

As always, if your trash or recycling does not get picked up, please report the miss to the Township as soon as possible at either 610-797-4000 or  Be assured that we are in constant communication with Republic as we collectively strive for a resolution.

Cathy Bonaskiewich
Township Manager

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners

Salisbury Township 2022 Schedule of Public Meetings

Notice is hereby given that in 2022, the Regular Meetings of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Municipal Building, 2900 South Pike Avenue, Salisbury Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.  Regular Meetings are followed by Workshop Meetings.  Additionally, a special reorganization meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held on Monday, January 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm.  Due to the Thanksgiving holidays, the second meeting in November will be held on Nov. 22nd. 

Regular monthly meetings of other Salisbury Boards and Commissions are held at the Municipal Building as follows:


Fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
(*except November meeting will be held Wednesday, November 30, 2022)


Second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.


Third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.


Third Monday of every other Month, starting with Jan., at 7:30 PM

Cathy Bonaskiewich
Township Manager/Secretary