Garbage/Recycling Cart Reminder

Each residence was provided with one garbage cart and one recycling cart at the beginning of this year.  These containers are the property of Salisbury Township and were distributed to all residences as a one-time courtesy.  THE CARTS ARE TO REMAIN WITH THE RESIDENCE.  They are not the property of the resident, nor are they to be removed from the residence or used for any other purpose. 

Each cart has a unique serial number as an identifier, but you may also put your name and/or address on your carts to easily identify them for your household.  Other than adding your name and/or address, DO NOT PAINT, DEFACE OR VANDALIZE THESE NEW CARTS in any way.  In the event of damage to or loss of a cart – or if a request is made for an additional cart – the resident is responsible for the cost to lease that piece of equipment directly from Whitetail Disposal.