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Planning Commission Meeting
June 26, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Salisbury Township Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown PA 18103. The meeting will be to discuss the following items:
Minor Subdivision No. PZ-24-0005 – Review of the minor subdivision project submitted by Robert J. and Kristen N. Bennett which proposes to subdivide the properties at 2000 Nottingham Road and 2159 Overhill Road into three parcels. 2000 Nottingham Road will be 116,667 sq. ft. and continue as a single-family, detached dwelling, 2159 Overhill Road will be a vacant residential lot of 58,774 sq. ft., and the new lot between them will be a vacant residential lot of 46,287 sq. ft. with frontage along Nottingham Road. Each property is located within the R1, Rural Residential zoning district.
Minor Subdivision No. PZ-24-0003 – Review of the minor subdivision project submitted by CMB Properties LLC which proposes to subdivide the property at 1507 Lehigh Avenue into two parcels. Lot 1 will be 69,319 sq. ft. with frontage along East Susquehanna Street and Lot 2 will be 9,149 sq. ft. with frontage along Lehigh Avenue. The property is currently improved as a commercial storage facility which was granted special exception use on Application A20-0276, and is located within the C2, Neighborhood Commercial zoning district along East Susquehanna Street and the R4, Medium Density Residential zoning district along Lehigh Avenue. Lot 1 will remain as a commercial storage facility with frontage along East Susquehanna Street and Lot 2 will be a vacant residential lot with frontage along Lehigh Avenue.
Major Subdivision No. PZ-24-0004 – Review of the major subdivision project submitted by Thomas P. Williams, Jr. which proposes to subdivide 1 lot into 7 lots for the development of six twin dwellings and one single-family detached dwelling. The overall parcel is 40,800 square feet; the new twin lots will each be 5,400 square feet and the new single-family detached lot will be 8,400 square feet. The property is located at 621 East Lynnwood Street within the R4, Medium Density Residential zoning district and was last utilized as a greenhouse.
All applicants and interested parties must attend in-person. Requests for more information, and to review the files in advance, should be directed to Kerry Rabold, Planning & Zoning Officer, at krabold@salisburylehighpa.gov or (610) 797-4000 ext. 5825.
Jun 12, Jun 19 (Salisbury Press)