Contact Us » File a Complaint To file a complaint with the township, please complete the following form: All complaint information is kept confidential! PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT use this form for emergencies. Please call the Police Department at 610-797-4000 or the Township at 610-797-4000. This form is an alternative to writing a letter of complaint or filing your complaint by phone. Letters and phone calls are the preferred method of filing a complaint. Timely receipt of complaints filed online are not guaranteed.What type of complaint are you filing?*ChooseAnimal Control (Dogs and Cats)Public WorksRefuseGeneralYour Name*Your Address*Phone*Email* About the ViolationViolator Address*Date of Violation* MM slash DD slash YYYY Complaint Description*Confirmation* By checking this box I attest and affirm that I am the complainant submitting this form.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.