7:30 PM
September 9, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Hebelka, McKitish, Schreiter, Hassick, and Licht. Also present were Mr. Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer; Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; and Mrs. Bonaskiewich, Acting Township Manager.

Mr. McKitish called the meeting to order.

On motion of Mr. Licht, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the August 12, 2008 Planning Commission Minutes as submitted.

Consideration of the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan. Property located at 757 Weil Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015 in an R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Three (3) sheets – last revised August 15, 2008.

Present was Mr. Doug White, engineer, and Mr. Tom Howard representing the developer.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated September 3, 2008.

Mr. White explained that they propose to remove trees outside of the tree removal envelope. He addressed several of the engineer’s review comments relating to the waiver requests for the roadway widening requirement.

Mr. Tettemer explained that the utility easements should be shown on the plan particularly between the lots although a partial waiver could requested for some of the remaining utility easements.

Mr. Hebelka noted the review period expiration date of October 31, 2008
and a correction to the county for the recorder of deeds box shown on the plan.

Mr. McKitish inquired about a previously granted waiver.

Charles Ianetta of 1750 Savercool Avenue inquired about the number of homes proposed and expressed concerns with reduced water pressure with the increased number of homes. He inquired whether anything would be done to increase the pressure.

Ken Wied of 803 Weil Street asked if there would be an adjustment to the curve of the road. He expressed concerns with traffic speeding and the position of the driveway could be hazardous and low water pressure.

Mr. Tettemer explained that they are not altering the road and would only be installing curbing. He noted that some of the existing landscaping would need to be altered or removed in order to get safe sight distance for any vehicle exiting the driveway.

Mr. McKitish that the developer would have to meet current standards for clear sight distance upon completion.

Mr. McKitish responded that the Planning Commission does not handle utility services and concerns with water pressure could be raised directly with the Board of Commissioners or the public works department.

Mr. Moises Cruz of 1751 Savercool Avenue expressed concerns with low water pressure.

Helen Wied of 803 Weil Street asked about the locations of the proposed new homes. She asked the reason residents on Summit Street did not receive notice of the development.

Mr. Tettemer explained that the developer has to submit a request for water service which would be discussed with Public Works Department. He suggested a condition of obtaining satisfactory water service.

Mrs. Wied commented about the poor water pressure when the fire hydrants are flushed out.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to grant a deferral to SALDO Section 10.12.a (sidewalks).

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. Licht, the Planning Commission voted 5-0 concurrently to grant waivers to SALDO Sections 10.4.dl and 10.4.L.4 (to eliminate the requirement the existing Weil and Summit Streets to 36 and 30 foot cartways, 18’ and 15’ from centerline respectively and to allow the cartway width of 26 feet for both roads and to eliminate the requirement of a 60 foot right-of-way along Weil and allow for 50’ right-of-way along the entire frontage of the property).

On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to table the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan.

Consideration of the Salisbury Township School District Land Development Plan. Property located at 400 East Montgomery Street, (High School Campus) in an R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Ten (10) sheets – last revised August 8, 2008.

Present were Arif Azil, engineer; Keith Reinsmith and Frank Frankenfield, School Board members; Chris Haller, engineer; Maryann Wright, School Superintendent; Justin Massey, engineer.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer review letter dated September 3, 2008.

Mr. Azil outlined the primary reasons for the facilities study of the High School campus. He cited the main priorities including re-integration of 9th grad back into High School curriculum, improvement of the facilities in the areas of science and technology, address traffic safety, and to address the infrastructure needs of the high school. He noted that construction is anticipated to occur next summer. He gave an overview of the project including some of the infrastructure work, the proposed reconfiguration of the entrances and exits, and the 17,000 square foot two-level addition.

Mr. Massey addressed some of the stormwater management issues relating to the size of the storm drains and volume controls. He noted that due to the carbonate geology of the area which could open up sink holes, the best option is surface infiltration in the form of spray irrigation. The irrigation system would irrigate the ballfield. He discussed the detention systems, noting that they are attempting to minimize the disturbance impact to the site.

Mr. Massey explained that they will not seek any variances and will comply with the Zoning Ordinance. He stated that they will be requesting a waiver with their resubmission to not show the slope mapping since the slopes are manmade.

Mr. McKitish inquired if they intend to proceed as a preliminary/final plan.

Ms. Wright outlined the traffic concerns noting an anticipated increase in the number of buses and vehicle traffic when ninth grade is added to the high school including staff transferred from the middle school. She outlined some of the data gathered on the number of students who walk, take the bus, or are dropped off by parents. She expressed a concern with the time line and delay that would be caused by having a traffic study performed. She requested a waiver to the traffic study requirement.

Mr. McKitish expressed some confusion and requested clarity on the data with the number before making a determination on whether the waiver should be granted.

Ms. Wright explained the assignment of students to bus seats. Mr. McKitish inquired about the bus totals and if there are buses that go to other locations.

Mr. McKitish that more information is necessary with respect to traffic impacts for the public interest. He cited that Emmaus Avenue traffic has been steadily and the difficulty to access Emmaus Avenue. He suggested providing additional data before the planning commission makes a decision on the waiver.

Mrs. Norma Cusick of 535 East Emmaus Avenue expressed her concern with sinkholes which recalled had occurred previously near the tennis courts.

There was information provided of the proposed measures to improve the water quality bmps coming out of the storm water piping. The increase in impervious is minimal. Mr. Azil noted that they would also request a waiver to the street tree requirement. He commented that they are aware that it is a highly carbonate geology are and they would take steps to minimize impact to the soil to cause sinkholes.

Mr. Craig Hanchett of 604 East Montgomery Street asked questions regarding the proposed developments.

There were questions regarding testing for infiltration and how the irrigation system would work during the winter months. Mr. Azil explained that during the winter, the system will not be pumping out the volume control.

On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to table the Salisbury Township School District Land Development Plan.

Meeting adjourned.