7:30 PM
July 10, 2007

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Beck, Hebelka, Schreiter, Hassick, Snyder and Licht. Also present were Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; Mr. Best, Director of Planning & Zoning; and Mr. Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer.

Mr. Beck called the meeting to order.

June 12, 2007
On motion of Mr. Hassick, seconded by Mr. Snyder, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the June 12, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as submitted.

Consideration of the Devonhouse Park Apartments Land Development Plan located at 1601 33rd Street, Allentown, PA 18103 in the R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Ten (10) sheets – plan dated March 16, 2007.

Present was Jay Musselman of Musselman Associates, surveyor.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s comments listed in a review letter dated July 5, 2007.

Mr. Best read his review comments listed in a memo dated July 6, 2007.

Mr. Musselman noted that it had been several years since they had last been before the Township regarding a land development plan. He explained that they had gone to the Allentown Zoning Board and were not able to obtain a variance to develop in an area that crossed their borders. He stated that Allentown Zoning Board upheld a 1964 agreement made with a prior developer. He stated that the architects for DevonHouse scaled down the plan from 62 units to 37 units. He noted that a copy of the new plan was submitted to Allentown as well, but they have not received any response yet. He outlined how the units would be utilized, noting that current long term residents who are aging requested an elevator.

Mr. Hebelka suggested that a note be made to the plan regarding the area not to be developed as open space.

Mr. Tettemer suggested that the dumpster that is to be located internally be placed as a note on the plan.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. Schreiter, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to table the Devonhouse Park Apartments Land Development Plan.

Meeting adjourned.