7:30 PM
May 13, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Beck, Hebelka, Schreiter, and Hassick. Also present were Mr. Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer; Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; and Mr. Best, Director of Planning & Zoning.

Mr. Beck called the meeting to order.

On motion of Mr. Hassick, seconded by Mr. Hebelka, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the April 8, 2008 Planning Commission Minutes as submitted.

Consideration of the 822 East Lexington Street Minor Subdivision Plan. Property located in an R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Three (3) sheets – plan revised April 18, 2008.

Present were Art Swallow, engineer, and Thomas Williams, Jr., developer. Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated May 7, 2008.

Mr. Best read his comments listed in a memo dated May 8, 2008.

Mr. Beck inquired about the amount of recreation fees to be paid for the subdivision. He clarified his suggestion made at a previous meeting that the developer should proceed with caution when coming up on the last two feet of the new curbing so as not to disrupt the existing curbing recently installed by the Township.

Mr. Swallow noted that they are agreeable to the review comments.

On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the 822 East Lexington Street Minor Subdivision Plan, subject to addressing the Township Engineer and Planning & Zoning Director review letters.

Consideration of the Hope United Church of Christ Sketch Plan. Property located at 1031 Flexer Avenue, Allentown, PA 18103 in an R-3, Medium/Low Density Residential Zoning District. One (1) sheet – plan not dated.

Present was Dave Walasavage, engineer of Barry Isett & Associates, and Greg Joyce, representative of Hope Church.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated May 7, 2008.

Mr. Best read his comments listed in a memo dated May 8, 2008.

Mr. Beck inquired about the purpose of the driveway.

Mr. Walasavage explained that the driveway would be for overflow parking to access on Sundays during church services and to allow access out the back of the site as opposed to having all traffic leave out on Flexer Avenue. He noted that the driveway is not intended for everyday use. He explained that it is intended for days when there is a large congregation and Flexer Avenue is backed up.

Mr. Beck commented that he believes everyone will use the driveway on a daily basis and commented about a possible problem with the clear sight triangles.

There was a brief discussion about renovations to the lot and consideration of using a decorative block as opposed to grass for the driveway to minimizing trekking mud out onto Debbie Lane.

The developer expressed that the comments were noted and would be brought to the church council to determine how to proceed with the driveway.

A gentleman in the audience inquired whether the parking lot would be extended and expressed a concern of the traffic exiting the lot.

Mr. Walasavage explained that the lot will be slightly extended, but primarily will have a new surface and some regrading to alleviate some of the stormwater problems. He informed Mr. Tettemer that the building was constructed prior to 1988. Mr. Tettemer stated that the developer should be concerned with increasing the amount of impervious surfaces. He suggested comparing a before and after to ascertain the percentage of increase. He noted that since the lot is less than 10,000 sq. feet, the plan does not have to be submitted to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. He suggested that the developer ensure that the stormwater does not impact the surrounding properties.

Mr. Walasavage noted that they do not have to meet the lighting ordinance.

Mr. Schreiter commented that if the developer is not installing new lighting for the parking lot, then the plan should show the existing lighting. He inquired about a landscape plan.

Mr. Walasavage commented that they had not prepared a landscape plan at this time.

No action taken.

Consideration of an extension of the review period for the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the extension of the review period for the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan until June 30, 2008.

Consideration of an extension of the review period for the Beverly Gordoni Minor Subdivision Plan.

On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the extension of the review period for the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan until July 31, 2008.

Consideration of an extension of the review period for the Glenda Pini Minor Subdivision Plan.

On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the extension of the review period for the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan until July 31, 2008.

Mr. Tettemer noted a clarification to the discussion on the Hope United Church of Christ Sketch Plan. He noted that the developer had incorrectly stated that they do not have to meet the lighting ordinance. He read the section of the ordinance where any new or expanded parking lot 5,000 square feet or greater in area shall be required to meet the landscaping, stormwater managements and illumination requirements of the SALDO.

Meeting adjourned.