7:30 PM
March 11, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Beck, McKitish, Hassick, Schreiter, and Licht. Also present were Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; Mr. Tettemer, Township Engineer; and Mr. Best, Director of Planning & Zoning.

Mr. Beck called the meeting to order.

January 8, 2008
On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the January 8, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.

Consideration of the KidsPeace Broadway Campus Expansion Final Land Development Plan. Property located at 1630-1650 Broadway in an R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Nineteen (19) sheets – plan dated February 8, 2008.

Present were Attorney Jackson Eaton, counsel; Paul Tews, representative of KidsPeace; and Andrew Bohl of Hanover Engineering Associates.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated March 5, 2008.

Mr. Best read his comments listed in a memo dated March 6, 2008.

Mr. Bohl agreed to make the revisions to the plan as noted in the review letters. He noted that most of the items are drafting in nature.

Mr. McKitish inquired about the difference between the preliminary plan and the final.

Mr. Bohl indicated that the plans are the same. He explained that KidsPeace is waiting on several outside agencies including PennDOT for approval of their submissions.

Mr. Beck expressed that he is against the proposed street pattern and that he would attempt to have it changed.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Licht, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend conditional approval of the KidsPeace Broadway Campus Expansion Final Land Development Plan; subject to the Township Engineer’s and Planning & Zoning Director’s review letters, and any applicable Federal, State, County and local laws and approvals.

Consideration of the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan granting Salisbury Township a time extension of the review period.

Mr. Best explained that the developer is still working out stormwater management issues and curbing on the plan.

On motion of Mr. Schreiter, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the extension of the review period for the Samuel M. Gentile Minor Subdivision Plan to May 31, 2008.

Consideration of the Glenda A. Pini Minor Subdivision Plan. Property located at 1630 East Emmaus Avenue in an R-3, Medium/Low Density Residential Zoning District. Two (2) sheets – plan dated September 14, 2007.

There was a brief discussion with respect to the applicant’s plan being denied by the Zoning Hearing Board.

Mr. Best noted that the applicant was given the option of having the plan denied or giving a 90-day time extension. He noted that the applicant wants time in order to come back with a revised plan.

On motion of Mr. Hassick, seconded by Mr. Licht, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the 90-day extension of the Glenda A. Pini Minor Subdivision Plan.

Discussion of the proposed amendment of the Salisbury Township Zoning Ordinance regarding Tree Harvesting as a permitted use.

Mr. Best explained that the Township was approached by an attorney and a company called Weaber, Inc. who informed the Township that tree harvesting is now permitted by right according to the MPC. The Township initially disagreed with this information, but subsequently received notification from the State Attorney General’s Office that tree harvesting is a use that is now permitted by right. The Township still requires that a tree harvesting plan be submitted which gets reviewed by DCNR and by the Lehigh County Conservation District.

Several members expressed concern about stormwater runoff problems occurring if tree harvesting is done improperly.

Mr. Best noted that the amendment only applies to tree harvesting and the Township still has the three trees per year limit in place.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval to change the Zoning Ordinance to allow tree harvesting in compliance with the Municipal Planning Code.

Meeting adjourned.