7:30 PM
January 12, 2010

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Beck, McKitish, Hebelka, Schreiter, Hassick, and Licht. Also present were Mr. Tettemer, Township Engineer; Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; Mr. Soriano, Township Manager and Ms. Sopka, Director of Planning & Zoning. Commissioner Snyder was not present.

Mr. Beck called the meeting to order.

On motion of Mr. Hassick, seconded by Mr. McKitish, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to nominate Mr. Charles Beck as Chair for the Planning Commission. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Dr. Licht, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to nominate Mr. Stephen McKitisch as Vice-Chair for the Planning Commission. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to nominate Mr. Joseph Hebelka as Secretary for the Planning Commission. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Dr. Licht, the Planning Commission voted  6-0 to approve the December 8, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as submitted. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

1600 Riverside Drive – Lehigh County Treatment Center Expansion
Continuation of the November 10, 2009 and December 8, 2009 Preliminary/Final Site Plan review.
Present were Edward J. Andres, Esq., Counsel; Amit Mukherjee of Base Engineering and Glenn Solt, Director of Lehigh County Capital Projects.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated January 6, 2010.

Ms. Sopka highlighted her comment review and concurred with the Township Engineer’s letter. However, she did make reference to the landscaping islands. 

Ms. Sopka stated that the landscape islands required for the development consideration was taken with the existing conditions that indicate a lack of landscape islands over the life of this facility. The developer indicated placement of trees between the facility and the newly proposed parking area on the southern portion of the facility and the western and southern perimeter of the existing parking areas. It is Ms. Sopka’s contention that it would be adequate to address the landscaping required in lieu of the landscaping islands.

Mr. Hebelka inquired about the Preliminary/Final Plan deadline date. He was advised it is February 8, 2010.

Mr. Beck inquired if there is a time that the gates close. Mr. Solt stated that the gates are always closed; however, they are open to authorized residents who have different work shift schedules. The residents that return from a late work schedule will identify themselves through an intercom at the gate and the officer will open the gate for entry.

Mr. Beck referenced a newspaper article for St. Luke’s Hospital to renovate a private roadway passed the Treatment Center facility for emergencies. Mr. Beck inquired as to the location of this road. Small discussion ensued about where the road would potential be located and stated that this roadway will become public.

Mr. McKitish inquired what the estimated percent rate of work release residents is that report back. Mr. Solt stated there are about 900 residents during the course of a year depending upon there sentencing. This past year there was 27 absconders that did not return and the Township Police are immediately notified, these calls go into the NCIC which notifies all police departments that this individual is now wanted and has open criminal charges of escape.

Mr. McKitish inquired if the Salisbury Police Department has a list of inmates and their infraction. Mr. Solt stated that a list has been provided in the past but stopped per request of the Chief. Mr. McKitish inquired if this list could be provided again if requested. Mr. Solt stated that it would be provided.

A motion was made by Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Schreiter, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Land Development plan conditioned upon the Engineers letter of January 6, 2010 and the Zoning Officers letter of January 8, 2010 and conditions stated in the Conditional Use and today’s questions raised by Mr. McKitish be reviewed as part of the Board of Commissioners review meeting. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

121 White Oak Lane, Emmaus PA  18049 
Consideration of a lot subdivision (2.97) from Borough of Emmaus 9.9 acre parcel for consolidation with 121 White Oak Lane which will create a total of 3.67 acres. The project is for the enhancement of the parks/recreation of the Borough of Emmaus.Present were Tiffany Kosalko from Home Choice Surveying Services and Jeffrey D. Clapper, Director of Public Works for the Borough of Emmaus.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated January 6, 2010.

Mr. Tettemer stated two waiver requests were submitted.

  1. SALDO 7.3.A.3 – The Ordinance requires the plan be drawn at a scale of not less than 1” = 50 feet. A waiver is requested due to the size of the property being adjusted and the fact that no new lots are being created and no development is being proposed.
  2. SALDO 7.3.C, 1 through 8 – The Ordinance request the following natural features be shown on the plan: (1) contours, (2) slope shading, (3) seasonal high water table, (4) water courses and other bodies or channels of water, (5) 100 year flood plan, (6) soil types, (7) rock outcrops and (8) significant tree masses. A waiver is requested since no new lots are being created and no development is being proposed.

Mr. Tettemer stated he had no objection to grant the waivers as long as all items have been addressed and would recommend engineering approval.

Ms. Sopka highlighted her comment review and concurred with the Township Engineer’s letter.

Ms. Sopka referenced the parcels were combined in the acreages, referenced the steep slope, and the acreage required for septic system. She stated that this lot consolidation will be making the property of Mr. Raven Mills more conforming to the Ordinance.

Ms. Sopka stated the site plan indicated the property owner’s parcel is zoned R-2 but clarified that it is an R-1 Zoning District. She confirmed this with the assessor records.

Mr. Beck inquired if any land will be taken away from Salisbury Township. Ms. Sopka stated the Township will not lose any land. The portion of the land addressed is located  in Salisbury Township but is owned by the Borough of Emmaus. Mr. Mills is donating a portion of his land, located in Emmaus to the Borough of Emmaus, for the park and walking trails. In return, the Borough of Emmaus is giving a portion of what they own in Salisbury Township to Mr. Mills, this will then create a lot change.

Inquires were made regarding the separate parcel numbers. Ms. Kosalko stated the land is divided by the Salisbury Township line and the railroad. The County has given the property owner three different parcel numbers but is one Deed.

Mr. Clapper stated the reason for this process is the Borough of Emmaus has engaged with Wildlife Conservancy to develop recreational walking trails. He stated as part of the agreement with Mr. Mills, a fence will be erected to keep individuals using these trails from entering his property.

Mr. Hebelka inquired if the hiking trail is in use and if any portion of the trail is located in Salisbury Township. Mr. Clapper said no portion of the trail is in Salisbury Township, as the access area is on Weiders’ Lane located in the Borough of Emmaus and will travel through the Wildlands Conservancy to existing walking trails. He did state that the trail is being used but is not finished because most of the work is being done by the Wildlands Conservancy. Small discussion continued in regard to trail location and the placement of the fence.

Mr. Beck reviewed the two waiver requests and inquired if a motion would be made.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. McKitish, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to grant the waiver request to SALDO 7.3.A.3. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. Schreiter, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to grant the waiver request to SALDO 7.3.C.1 through 8. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

Mr. Beck inquired about the Preliminary/Final Plan and clarified that it is only a lot line change. Mr. Tettemer stated there is no engineering that needs to be addressed, only drafting items.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to grant approval for the Preliminary/Final Plan subject to the conditions set forth in the Engineers letter of January 6, 2010 and the Zoning Officer’s recommendation letter of January 8, 2010 and all other conditions set forth by the State, Local, or Federal. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.

Nomination of Planning Commission Member to the EAC

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Dr. Licht, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to vote Mr. Hebelka as representative to the Environmental Advisory Council. Mr. Snyder was not present for vote.


On motion of Mr. McKitish, the Planning Commission voted to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned.