7:30 PM
January 8, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Beck, Hebelka, McKitish, Hassick, Schreiter, and Licht. Also present were Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; Mr. Tettemer, Township Engineer, and Mr. Best, Director of Planning & Zoning.

Mr. Beck called the meeting to order.

Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary
On motion of Mr. Hassick, seconded by Mr. Schreiter, the Planning Commission voted concurrently to approve Mr. Beck as Chair, Mr. McKitish as Vice-Chair, and Mr. Hebelka as Secretary.

December 11, 2007
Mr. Hebelka noted that Attorney Ashley was not present at the December 11, 2007 meeting and the minutes should reflect as such. He also noted a typographical error with respect to the extension date for KidsPeace.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted 5-0-1 to approve the December 11, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes with the above noted changes. Mr. Licht abstained.

Consideration of the Kidspeace Broadway Campus Expansion Land Development Plan. Property located at 1630-1650 Broadway in a R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Nineteen (19) sheets – plan revised November 12, 2007.

Present were Attorney Jackson Eaton, counsel, and Andrew Bohl of Hanover Engineering Associates.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated January 3, 2008.

Mr. Bohl gave highlights of the proposed plan.

Mr. Beck inquired about the turning lane on Broadway. He expressed concern about the proposal to change the lane into a left-turn-only lane.

Mr. Bohl expressed that the plan would improve traffic in the general vicinity by reducing the number of driveways to the KidsPeace property. He noted that PennDOT is requiring the left-turn only lane.

Mr. Beck raised a concern regarding the configuration of the roadway and trucks and buses traveling through the area inhibiting the ability to use the turning lane.

With respect to the waiver request to SALDO Section 10.10.B.2.i (impervious liner requirement), Mr. Hebelka asked the Township Engineer’s opinion on the methodology of the stormwater management proposed by the developer.

Mr. Tettemer read the letter from Ross Geo Science dated January 4, 2008 and explained the follow-up process for inspections and maintenance of the stormwater management system. He clarified some of the conflicting requirements between the Township’s SALDO and the Act 167 Stormwater Management Ordinance. He noted that the Township’s requirement of a liner does allow the Township to look at each individual site to determine whether or not a liner is necessary.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hebelka, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend granting the waiver to SALDO Section 10.10.B.2.i (impervious liner).

Mr. Tettemer noted that KidsPeace is still waiting on outside agency approvals from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, Lehigh County Conservation District, DEP and PennDOT.

There was a brief discussion on extending the review period of the plan. KidsPeace submitted a letter granting an extension of the review period of the Kidspeace Broadway Campus Expansion Land Development Plan to February 15, 2008.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the extension of the review period of the Kidspeace Broadway Campus Expansion Land Development Plan to February 15, 2008.

On motion of Mr. Hebelka, seconded by Mr. McKitish, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend conditional approval of the Kidspeace Broadway Campus Expansion Preliminary Land Development Plan; subject to the Township Engineer’s review letter, the Planning & Zoning Director’s review comments, and any applicable Federal, State, County and local laws and approvals.

Meeting adjourned.