October 9, 2008

The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Members attending:
Larry Unger, President
James Brown, Vice-President
Robert Martucci, Jr.
Mary Yoder

Staff attending:
Randy Soriano, Township Manager
Cathy Bonaskiewich, Assistant Township Manager/Finance Director
John Andreas, Director of Public Works
John Ashley, Township Solicitor
Dean Haas, representative of Keystone Consulting Engineers, Township Engineer

Commissioner Unger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Mr. Soriano informed the attendees that all sessions of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners regular meetings are electronically recorded for the purpose of taking the Minutes. All public comments on agenda items would be taken at the time of the vote. All public comments related to non-agenda items will be taken after the agenda has been satisfied.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize payment of the bills.

September 25, 2008

Commissioner Unger declared the September 25, 2008 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes approved as submitted.

Consideration of an ordinance regulating the feeding of water fowl and the release of animals.

Commissioner Unger noted that Mr. Frank Adamcik had provided the Board with pictures of the geese on the ball fields. He commented that he had received a request from a resident to allow some of the geese to remain that were born at the park.

Commissioner Martucci explained that from his discussions with the Department of Agriculture, if the ducks that were born at the park were to remain, they would act as decoys and would draw in more geese and would be counterproductive. He explained that this would be a long term process to minimize the number of geese at the park, not to completely eliminate them. He explained that the process involves taking measures to limit the repopulation of the herd and to reduce the numbers to a more manageable amount so as not to create a problem on the courts and ball fields. He noted that there are a number of options for attempting to harass the geese enough that they will relocate. He noted that oiling eggs is recommended compared to removing eggs because the geese will continue to reproduce eggs. He commented that they would likely not have the public works department handle such measures due to the vast amount of work they already perform.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Ordinance regulating the feeding of water fowl and the release of animals.


Consideration of a motion to authorize an Escrow Release in the amount of $31,720.50 for the Devonhouse Land Development.

Mr. Soriano explained that Mr. Tettemer had reviewed the escrow release request for the development and recommended authorizing the release of escrow funds in the amount of $31,720.50.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize an Escrow Release in the amount of $31,720.50 for the Devonhouse Land Development.

Consideration of a motion to recognize Friday, October 31, 2008 as Trick or Treat Night from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Mr. Soriano noted that the Chief of Police recommends that Trick or Treat Night be held on Friday, October 31, 2008 from 6 – 8 p.m. in conjunction with the City of Allentown and will have extra staff on hand to make the night as safe as possible.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to recognize Friday, October 31, 2008 as Trick or Treat Night from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Consideration of a street tree removal request for 2863 Edgemont Dr.

Mr. Soriano explained that Mr. Sandy Nicolo, Township Code Enforcement Officer, had visited the site and made a recommendation that the tree be removed since it is dying and should be replaced with a new tree.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the street tree removal request for 2863 Edgemont Drive contingent that the tree be replaced.

Consideration of a street tree removal request for 1408 Grace St.

Mr. Soriano explained that Mr. Nicolo recommends that the tree not be removed since it appears healthy.

Several board members expressed that the resident should receive notification that the request is denied and that they can appeal their decision by providing a written opinion of a botanist or tree expert.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to deny the street tree removal request for 1408 Grace Street.

Consideration of a street tree removal request for 1634 Seidersville Rd. Mr. Soriano noted that Mr. Nicolo recommends the tree be removed due to its close proximity to the home.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the street tree removal request for 1634 Seidersville Road.

Bruce Burchard of 2025 Church Road expressed his concerns that he believes best management practices are not being followed during the development of Southbury Park.

He commented that there is disturbed soil along Black River Road that has not been prepped with hay or seeding. He noted that the grading was changed at one of the detention basins as well and it also had not been prepped for several days. He presented photographs that he had taken of pollution stemming from Southbury Park that flowed along with the stormwater runoff down South Mountain, contaminating Ms. Rodale’s pond, and headed towards Hellertown and Saucon Creek. He inquired about the reason that a cease and desist order had not been issued. He expressed that the Township Engineer’s firm should be out more frequently and should have the developer addressing the areas of earth disturbances appropriately or else issue a cease and desist order.

Commissioner Martucci noted that he had investigated the silt issue in Black River and observed that there is cloudy water and a large amount of silt deposited at various locations in the river. He inquired if Mr. Tettemer had inspected the situation personally as he had indicated and whether he had contacted the Conservation District.

Mr. Haas noted that there had been a meeting with DEP to discuss what could be done to mitigate the problems and they are looking for redesign from the developer’s engineer to address the problems.

Commissioner Unger asked Mr. Haas to have Mr. Tettemer contact Mr. Burchard and Commissioner Martucci about the inspections.

Ms. Jane Benning of 3111 Douglas Road asked why a cease and desist order had not been issued for the Southbury Park development and the reason the situation is taking so long to be addressed. She inquired about whether an environmental advisory committee would be formed now that there is a new Township Manager.

Commissioner Unger explained that the matter falls under the jurisdiction of DEP and the Conservation District. He noted that they do intend to create an environmental advisory committee in the near future.

Mr. Todd Parton of 1424 Salisbury Road inquired about the discussion on the feeding of ducks ordinance.

Commissioner Martucci noted that the ordinance had to be implemented first and then at some point research will be done on private business that provide services to deter and reduce the geese at the park as well as the Department of Agriculture’s program which is non-profit, although there are some fees involved.

Mr. Parton expressed concerns for the health of children and possible risk of disease. He commented that geese feces is on the fields and could cause harm to the children playing on the grass. He thanked the Board for its efforts but he stressed that the measures to reduce the geese should be done swiftly and be taken seriously. He noted that a number of residents signed a petition expressing their concerns with the geese overpopulation.

Commissioner Unger noted that the Township had begun to look at possible steps to address the geese population.

Commissioner Martucci explained some of the information that he had obtained from the Department of Agriculture and noted that it will take a few years for the geese reduction program to make a substantial impact.

As no other business was presented, the meeting was adjourned. The Board of Commissioners recessed into Workshop, followed by Executive Session.