TOWNSHIP OF SALISBURY MINUTES FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Members attending: Staff attending: CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NOTIFICATION FINANCIAL REPORT AND PAYMENT OF THE BILLS MINUTES ORDINANCES RESOLUTIONS MOTIONS Fire Chief Clint Ballek went over bids received for a rescue truck. He noted that subsequent to a meeting with the Board of Commissioners, they sought additional bids. He informed the Board members of a bid withdrawal. He informed that they did contact COSTARS. Fireman Dennis Takacs informed the Board of his interactions with COSTARS and getting signed up under the COSTARS program. He noted that there was a basic truck priced around $350,000 and although they could make up to 22% in changes, the truck was still not sufficient to meet their needs and requirements. He noted that the specifications for the truck design that would suit their needs took a year to prepare. Mr. Ballek stated that they went through the specs to determine what they could do without. He explained that the performance bond would protect the fire company in the event the truck company would fold, enabling the fire company to be able to either get the truck or money back. He noted that with M & W, no money is exchanged until the truck is actually delivered and no performance bond would be necessary. He noted some other changes to the truck allowing for a reduction in cost by approximately $14,000. Commissioner Martucci inquired whether a deposit is necessary. Chief Ballek and Mr. Takacs explained that M&W was the only company that did not require an up-front payment or payment installments at various stages of construction. On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to contribute the amount of $525,661 for the purchase of a new rescue truck to Eastern Salisbury Fire Company to be offset by a State loan and the proceeds from the sale of the present truck. Commissioner Cusick commended the fire company for their service to the community and response efforts at a recent fire in her neighborhood. Chief Ballek informed the Board members of awards and accomplishments that the fire companies recently received. Consideration of a motion to exonerate 2006 & 2007 delinquent real estate taxes for 41 White Oak Lane 43 (PIN #549496173561-1). Mrs. Bonaskiewich explained that the property was consolidated into another lot that was sold as one whole lot, but was not removed from the tax rolls and continued to be billed. On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize the exoneration of 2006 & 2007 delinquent real estate taxes for 41 White Oak Lane 43 (PIN #549496173561-1). Consideration of a street tree removal request for 715 Weil St. Mr. Best explained that the residents reconsidered their request when they found out that the Township would not perform the tree removal. The residents would instead have the tree trimmed back. He suggested that if the residents want to trim it back they are able to do so without the Board taking action, but they would have to resubmit another request if they want to remove the tree in the future. No action was taken on this item. PUBLIC COMMENT OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Unger recalled numerous complaints that were received for the sign at the High School. Commissioner Martucci also had an inquiry from a resident regarding door-to-door solicitation. Chief Stiles explained that door-to-door solicitation is not legal unless it is religious or political. Commissioner Unger announced that there would be an Executive Session held on negotiations, personnel and litigation matters. Mr. Best informed the Board of his conversation with Ms. Afaf Darcy regarding the property on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. He explained that he had written her a letter citing that no additional dumping or activity may occur on the site. He also informed her of the possibility of citations being issued if dumping continues. He noted that he spoke to John Bowman of LCCD who had visited the site back in July. He stated that he also spoke to Jerry Ornack of DEP who informed him that the site has a level 12 contamination which prohibits developing the site for residential. A study performed on the site recommended two feet of soil or paving for certain portions of the area. He cited areas of concern for the property such as floodplain issues, steep slope areas, and not having erosion or sedimentation going into the creek area. He stated that today a certified letter was sent to Ms. Darcy indicating that the Township is requiring a plan showing the areas of disturbance and explanation of the intentions for the site within 15 days. He stated that he directed the code enforcement officer to cite Ms. Darcy and the property owners if the activity continues. Commissioner Cusick informed the Board of her observations at a recent visit to the site. She commented that it appeared that the gate was locked and there were piles of firewood and a trailer. Ed Miles, Tom Molseed and Nancy Miles, residents living near the property on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, presented their concerns about the activity taking place at the site. The residents informed the Board on their observations of other tree service companies bringing in loads of tree stumps and dumping them and trucks stored on the site as well. One of the residents recalled having a discussion with a gentleman at the site who had informed them that the property was going to be surveyed, trees cut down and a fence installed. There was a brief discussion regarding the trucks observed at the site, reports issued about the property, and notifying the code enforcement officer if trees are removed or any additional dumping. Attorney Ashley noted that a written plan is being required in order for the Township to effectively enforce its ordinances. The residents commented on the disregard to the Township’s stop work order taking place at the site. Commissioner Martucci commented that the stop work order should be enforced and citations issued if work is continuing at the site. Mr. Best informed the Board of a site visit to observe the development taking place at Southbury Park. He noted that also present were Mr. Andreas and Mr. Tettemer. He noted that there was a letter from the LCCD regarding its inspection of the site and that no violations were announced. Mr. Best also informed the Board that the Lehigh Valley Hospital is requesting to change the landscaping planned for a small detention pond instead to planting shrubs and trees along Fish Hatchery Road and a portion of Cedar Crest Boulevard. Commissioner Martucci inquired whether the 6’ chain link fence would still be installed at the pond. Commissioner Unger commented that the item should be placed on an agenda for vote and the public made aware of the change request. Chief Stiles informed the Board that the alarm panel at the police station needs to be replaced. He noted that the quote of $4,900 includes accommodations to the system in anticipation of the renovations to the police station. There was a brief discussion regarding whether the budget for the police station renovations already included security system modifications. The consensus of the Board was to place the item on the next agenda for vote. Chief Stiles informed the Board of a recent emergency drill with Lehigh Valley Hospital Security and a number of local agencies. Mr. Andreas highlighted the Board on the road program. Commissioner Cusick had questions on clearing out storm drains of leaves when there is a storm event. ADJOURNMENT |