August 13, 2009

The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Members attending:
Larry Unger, President-Excused
James Brown, Vice-President
Robert Martucci, Jr.
Norma Cusick
Dominic Giles

Staff attending:
Randy Soriano, Township Manager
Cathy Bonaskiewich, Assistant Township Manager, Finance Director
John Andreas, Director of Public Works
Allen Stiles, Chief of Police
Cynthia Sopka, Director of Planning and Zoning
John Ashley, Township Solicitor
David Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer.

Commissioner Brown, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Mr. Soriano informed the attendees that all sessions of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners regular meetings are electronically recorded for the purpose of taking the Minutes. All public comments on agenda items would be taken at the time of the vote. All public comments related to non-agenda items will be taken after the agenda has been satisfied.

Mr. Soriano announced that the Township does archive its tapes and are available pursuant the Right-to-Know Law.

Mr. Soriano reminded everyone of the 3-minute rule and asked that everyone sign in and
announce themselves and speak into the microphones.

Mrs. Cusick posed a question concerning an invoice for Spillman-Farmer Architects. Mr. Soriano noted that this was for the design portion of the Police Station Renovations project which is now 100% completed. Mr. Martucci followed up with inquiring on whether the Architect scope is within the scope of their professional service agreement. Mr. Soriano noted that the Agreement was based on a fixed cost not to exceed $119,500 and therefore would be in line with the budgeted figures. Mr. Soriano added that the project costs are now estimated at $2,000,000 and the Township would probably seek some financing options along with retiring its existing debt to create a wrap-around even debt service that would not require additional taxes to finance.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Financial Report for the Period 7/31/2009 and Bills Payable for the period 07/18/2009 through 08/07/2009.

July 23, 2009
Commissioner Brown declared the July 23, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes approved as presented.

PUBLIC HEARINGVacation of Wistar Street
Mr. Soriano announced that this Hearing was held pursuant to Section 2007 of the Township Code which states that the Board shall “give ten days’ notice to the property owners affected thereby of the time and place where and when all parties interested may meet and be heard. Witnesses may be summoned and examined by the Board of Commissioners and by parties interested ...” Mr. Soriano asked that the petitioners come forth and address the reasons as to why they are asking the vacation of Wistar Street. Mr. Soriano noted that other members in the audience who have an interest in this matter can come to the podium to voice their opinions on this vacation.

Mr. Ed Stehly of 1714 Virginia Ave. noted that he has maintained the unopened alley for many years and would like to simply get the street vacated in order to put an addition onto his home.

Mr. Gary Facchiano of 739 Wistar Street commented that there is no reason for it to be open because the Township has already sealed it off and it is of no use to the public. He has lived there for 33 years and no one has gone through it and the Township does not maintain it.

No other parties in interest spoke on this issue.

Vacation of Wistar Street
Mr. Soriano brought forth the Ordinance that would vacate a portion of Wistar Street, as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. 08-2009-_____

BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Township Board of Commissioners of the Township of Salisbury, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, in lawful session, duly assembled as follows:

WHEREAS, a Plan and application for the vacation of a portion of Wistar Street as prepared by Kenneth R. Hahn, PLS, dated September 23, 2008 has been submitted to the Township; and

WHEREAS, the area delineated on the Plan as Wistar Street is to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the adjoining property owners have petitioned the Township and requested an affirmation vacation of portions of Wistar Street since the street has not been opened for a period of twenty-one (21) years, nor worked on by the Township for a period of twenty-one (21) years and an affirmative vacation may not be necessary; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is desirous of removing said unimproved street from the township maps and/or records; and

WHEREAS, it is not the intention of this Ordinance to vacate or eliminate any/all public utilities easements which may now exist on, along, or across this portion of Wistar Street.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Salisbury, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same as follows:

SECTION I. All “Whereas” clauses are incorporated herein by reference.

SECTION II. The aforementioned portion of Wistar Street on the aforementioned Plan and attached description shall be and the same are hereby vacated, provided that the following conditions are met:

(1) All abutting property owners provide any utility easement that may be necessary provided that there are utilities existing or contemplated in the aforementioned portion of Wistar Street.

(2) A legal description and map shall be submitted to the Township and reviewed and determined accurate by the Township Engineer.

SECTION III. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Courts, Criminal Division, of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania

SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after the enactment hereof.

DULY ENACTED AND ORDAINED this 13th day of August, 2009 by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Salisbury, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania in lawful session duly assembled.

Mr. Soriano asked whether the Township Engineer reviewed the legal descriptions and has found them acceptable. Mr. Tettemer noted that what was submitted was reviewed and appeared to be in order. Attorney Ashley noted that he would proceed to record the easements.

Commissioner Cusick made a motion to adopt the Ordinance vacating a portion of Wistar Street. Commissioner Martucci seconded the Motion. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Appointment of Mr. Jeffrey Tapler as Township Emergency Management Coordinator.

Mr. Soriano brought up the appointment of Mr. Jeffrey Tapler as Township Emergency Management Coordinator.


WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners received and accepted a letter of resignation from Mr. Charles Zeppenfeld, Emergency Management Coordinator indicating his date of retirement effective July 31, 2009; and

WHEREAS, in the aforementioned letter, Mr. Zeppenfeld also recommended Mr. Jeffrey Tapler for the Board to consider appointing as the next Emergency Management Coordinator; and

WHEREAS, after careful review and discussion, the Board of Commissioners hereby resolves the following:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners Township of Salisbury, Lehigh County Pennsylvania, and it is hereby resolved by the same, to appoint Mr. Jeffrey Tapler to serve as the Emergency Management Coordinator of the Township of Salisbury.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of August, 2009 at a regular public meeting.

Commissioner Cusick moved to adopt the Resolution appointing Mr. Jeffrey Tapler as Emergency Management Coordinator. Commissioner Martucci seconded the motion. The resolution was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Consideration of a street tree removal request of 931 Bridle Path Road. Mr. Soriano noted that the Code Enforcement Officer reviewed this request and does not recommend approving the street tree removal request.

Commissioner Brown noted that he looked at the tree and agrees with the assessment of the Code Enforcement Officer that the tree appears healthy.

Motion by Commissioner Cusick to deny the request for the removal of the street tree at 931 Bridle Path Road. Commissioner Martucci seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Consideration of a street tree removal request of 3048 Imperial Drive.

Mr. Soriano noted that the Code Enforcement Officer had inspected the tree and recommended the removal of the tree due to carpenter ant infestation. Commissioner Brown noted that the Code Enforcement Officer provided pictures of the tree showing the extent of the infestation and agreed with its removal. Commissioner Brown noted that the owner has agreed to replace the tree with another tree chosen from a list that the Township will provide.

Motion by Commissioner Cusick to authorize the removal of the tree in front of 3048 Imperial Drive and replacing it with another tree. Commissioner Martucci seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Ms. Gloria Hinkle of 1649 Lehigh Avenue thanked everyone involved for helping out with the Ambulance Corps. Commissioner Cusick thanked Ms. Hinkle for her 34 years of service to the Ambulance Corps.

Barbara Gibson, the Assistant Chief of South Mountain Area Medic 5, informed the members that her paramedic unit has served the eastern side of the township for 25 years.

She commented that she was very much saddened to see that the Salisbury Ambulance Corps has gone out of service. Ms. Gibson expressed that she hoped they will be able to come back and that South Mountain Area Medic 5 will also be able to continue its service to the Township.

Susan Lischner of 4304 Cheryl Drive explained that she is a former volunteer EMT at Salisbury Ambulance Corps and thanked the Board for its time, energy, effort and money that it is putting into the Feasibility Study and audit for the Ambulance Corps. Ms. Lischner expressed that she is concerned that since the Fire Department now owns the ambulance supplies, they will try to liquidate those assets for funding. She requested that the Board look into seeing if there is any way for the Township to hold onto the equipment for a certain period of time in case it is shown that they can come back as an ambulance corps, otherwise it would greatly hinder their ability to come back.

Mr. Soriano commented that while the Fire Department does legally own the equipment, he hoped that they, in good faith, would choose not to exercise their right to dispose of the equipment. Mr. Soriano also stated that he would send a letter to the Fire Department encouraging them not to dispose of any assets until the study is finalized.

Addy Todal of 1746 33rd Street, SW spoke in support of the Ambulance Corps. She stated that she would like to see the Ambulance Corps relocated to the middle of the Township and take care of both sides of the Township.

Commissioner Cusick thanked the Eastern Salisbury Ambulance Corps for all their years of service, time and volunteerism to the community. Commissioner Brown expressed that it is hard to put into words what the Ambulance Corps has done for the community over the past 30 plus years. He would like to see them back in business again and noted that the Board is doing everything it can to help them out. Commissioner Brown also stated that he thought it would be a good idea to get one central location to cover both sides of the township, but because of the geography of the Township, it would be difficult to do so.

Mr. Andreas commented on the South Filbert Street Water and Storm Water Replacement Project. Mr. Andreas noted that the project is going well and that the contractor has been very attentive to the needs of the residents. Commissioner Cusick expressed concern about the project not being completed by the start of school because that intersection is a heavily traveled road used by school buses and children walking to school. Mr. Andreas noted that the contractor will pay extra caution to these details if the project is not completed by the beginning of the school year.

Chief Stiles announced that last Saturday, members of the Police, Fire and Rescue Departments participated in the Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship community event that was well attended.

As no other business was presented, on Motion by Commissioner Cusick and seconded by Commissioner Martucci the meeting was adjourned. The Commissioners later on reconvened for the monthly Workshop. The time was 8:00 p.m.