May 22, 2008

The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Members attending:
James Brown, Vice-President
Robert Martucci, Jr.
Norma Cusick

Staff attending:
Gabriel Khalife, Township Manager
John Andreas, Director of Public Works
Carl Best, Director of Planning & Zoning
Cathy Bonaskiewich, Director of Finance
Allen Stiles, Chief of Police
John Ashley, Township Solicitor
David Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer

Commissioner Brown called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Mr. Khalife informed the attendees that all sessions of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners regular meetings are electronically recorded for the purpose of taking the Minutes. All public comments on agenda items would be taken at the time of the vote. All public comments related to non-agenda items will be taken after the agenda has been satisfied.

EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT PRESENTATION – As presented by Mr. Luke Hoffman
Mr. Luke Hoffman explained that his Eagle Scout project would be to construct a large flower trellis at Franko Park. He presented pictures and a cost estimate for the materials. He noted that he had contacted an organization that assists teens and scouts about obtaining materials that cannot be donated. He expressed that he would like the project to start in mid-June.

Commissioner Cusick thanked Mr. Hoffman for selecting Franko Park for his project.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Eagle Scout project to construct a flower trellis at Franko Park in the amount of $400 towards materials as presented by Mr. Luke Hoffman.

Chief Stiles explained that the ceremony is an opportunity to recognize the good work of our police officers and to thank people around the community who also help. He noted that this is the 50th year that the Salisbury Township Police Department has provided service to the community.

There was a ceremonial swearing in of all of the officers by District Justice Anthony Rapp. State Representative Karen Beyer commended and thanked the officers for their commitment, performance, service and self-sacrifice. A number of officers received meritorious service awards including: Sergeant Kevin Soberick, Officers Jason Laky, Richard Nothstein, and Budd Frankenfield. Officer Brian Losagio received a meritorious service award for an incident at the South Mall. Detective Brian Klimowicz received a department commendation for his outstanding investigative efforts. Officer Budd Frankenfield III received the Top Gun award for DUI arrests and was recognized for his efforts in the Smooth Operator program. Chief Stiles introduced each of the officers and summarized some of their responsibilities.

Also receiving recognition were representatives of the Lehigh County Communications Center and Lehigh Valley Hospital security and Salisbury Press.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the Financial Report and authorize payment of the bills.

May 8, 2008
Mr. Tettemer noted that Page 4 of the May 8, 2008 Board of Commissioners Minutes should read “…first payment of the South Gilmore Street Storm Sewer Installation and Road Construction Project.”

Commissioner Brown declared the May 8, 2008 Board of Commissioners Reorganization Meeting Minutes approved with the above noted change.


Consideration of a request from the SYA to waive the park pavilion reservation fees for picnic at Laubach Park.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the SYA’S request to waive the park pavilion reservation fees for a picnic at Laubach Park.

Consideration of a street tree removal request for 1713 Dell Street.

Mr. Best noted that there are two maple street trees which appear to be healthy and there are no sidewalks. He recommended that the trees not be removed.

It was briefly discussed that although trees can get into water lines, it is generally unlikely to occur.

On motion of Commissioner Martucci, seconded by Commissioner Cusick, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to deny the street tree removal request for 1713 Dell Street.

Consideration of a time extension request for the completion of the land development improvements at Parkwood Center.

Mr. Tettemer explained that when a development has already been approved but the project is delayed, then the agreement can be extended. It was noted that the developer requested that the agreement be extended to year 2014.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the time extension request for the completion of the land development improvements at Parkwood Center.

Consideration of a motion to authorize the modifications to the Municipal Building HVAC system.

Mr. Khalife noted that the modifications to the HVAC system would total approximately $7,133 and would be performed by Burkholder’s.

Mr. Tettemer explained that Liberty Engineering recommended that these modifications be performed.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize the modifications to the Municipal Building HVAC system as proposed.

Consideration of a motion to authorize Payment #2 to Muschlitz Excavating, Inc. for the South Gilmore Street Storm Sewer Installation and Road Construction project in the amount of $66,171.78.

Mr. Tettemer explained that curbing and piping work had been performed. Commissioner Cusick asked several questions with respect to observations on how the storm sewer handled recent storm events, inspections performed, and residents’ concerns.

Mr. Andreas noted that although the project is still underway, the system appears to be functioning properly with respect to reducing the amount of stormwater on the roadway.

Commissioner Martucci inquired about the funds to be retained.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize Payment #1 to Muschlitz Excavating, Inc. for the South Gilmore Street Storm Sewer Installation and Road Construction project in the amount of $66,171.78.

Consideration of a motion to authorize entering into a computer software licensing agreement.

Chief Stiles explained that the Police Department is currently undergoing a computer hardware and software project. He commented that fortunately there is an offer for a new police records management software program. He noted that Lehigh County is funding the entire program for all of the police departments within the County. He explained that the program and software will allow the sharing of information for all different types of criminal arrests and traffic citations throughout the entire County to all the police departments. He noted that all of the police departments’ computer systems will be connected so that information can be obtained instantaneously. He outlined that the Township’s current computer service provider is working with CODY, the software manufacturer, to make sure that the right equipment is purchased. He noted that the Township would need to sign a licensed software and services agreement with CODY.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize entering into a computer software licensing agreement, contingent upon any changes recommended by the Solicitor upon his review.

Consideration of a motion to reject the bids submitted for the police tactical response vehicle retrofit project.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to reject the bids submitted for the police tactical response vehicle retrofit project.

Consideration of a motion to authorize the expenditures to retrofit the police tactical response vehicle as quoted by Microfire Apparatus of Hanover Township, PA in an amount not to exceed $10,000.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize the expenditures to retrofit the police tactical response vehicle as quoted by Microfire Apparatus of Hanover Township, PA in an amount not to exceed $10,000.

No public comments were presented.

Commissioner Cusick inquired about a resident’s concerns with possible sinkholes and springs at the 822 E. Lexington Street proposed minor subdivision.

Mr. Best explained that there is a high water table and some of the lots in the area have springs. He noted that the resident was concerned that the springs could cause sinkholes.

Mr. Best and Mr. Tettemer explained that there are no known sinkholes in the area. If sinkholes were found to be present, they would have to be shown on the plan. Commissioner Martucci noted that he spoke with the resident about her concerns that the spring water on the lot could be diverted onto her property once building would begin.

Commissioner Cusick commended Officer Donald Sabo, School Resource Officer, for a presentation and great work that he is doing for the police department and at the schools. She noted that he found a number of families that were sending their children to Salisbury but did not live in the Township.

There was a brief discussion regarding funding for the School Resource Officer.

As no other business was presented, the meeting was adjourned. The Board of Commissioners went into Workshop.