January 17, 2008

The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Members attending:
Larry Unger, President
James Brown, Vice-President
Robert Martucci, Jr.
Norma Cusick
Mary Yoder

Staff attending:
Gabriel Khalife, Township Manager
John Andreas, Director of Public Works
Carl Best, Director of Planning & Zoning
Cathy Bonaskiewich, Finance Director
Allen Stiles, Chief of Police
John Ashley, Township Solicitor
David Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer

Commissioner Unger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Mr. Khalife informed the attendees that all sessions of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners regular meetings are being electronically recorded for the purpose of taking the Minutes. All public comments on agenda items will be taken at the time of the vote. All public comments related to non-agenda items will be taken after the agenda has been satisfied. He noted that there would be an Executive Session regarding an appraisal for a possible land purchase.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize payment of the bills.

December 27, 2007
Commissioner Unger noted changes to Page 5 of the December 27, 2007. The minutes should read: “Commissioner Unger commented that the Township should not pursue land that is primed for development, but should look to preserve open space, particularly in the steep slope areas. If we are able to purchase the property and utilize grant funds, we should not limit ourselves to the use of the land as just open space, because we might need it for public purposes.”

Commissioner Unger declared the December 27, 2007 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes approved with the above noted changes.

January 7, 2008 (Reorganization)
Several members of the Board noted that they had not received a copy of the minutes due to problems with the Township email system. The consensus of the Board was to vote on the January 7, 2008 Board of Commissioners minutes at the next meeting.


Consideration of a salary increase for Township Department Heads for 2008.

Commissioner Cusick commended the Department Heads for their work and efforts to keep costs down. Commissioners Martucci and Brown noted that the staff responds quickly when issues arise.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the salary increase for Township Department Heads for 2008.

Consideration of a resolution to increase permit fees with respect to zoning and on-lot septic systems.

Commissioner Cusick commended Mr. Best for reviewing the permit fees and arriving at fees that are fair for the Township.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the resolution to increase permit fees with respect to zoning and on-lot septic systems.

Consideration of a motion to authorize entering into a Termination Agreement with Center Square Associates relative to a previously approved land development plan (3/29/04).

Mr. Tettemer provided history to the Board on the Center Square Associates land development plans. He explained that the original plan had been approved, but some time later, the developers returned to the Board with a revised plan which was subsequently approved. He noted that the Solicitor advised that the first agreement for the original plan be nullified since there were two agreements. He noted that Center Square Associates are in the process of building the bank that was approved in the second land development plan.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize entering into a Termination Agreement with Center Square Associates relative to a previously approved land development plan (3/29/04).

Appointment – Civil Service Commission (alternate)
Mr. Khalife noted that Mr. Dean Harper’s term expired. He noted that State Law allows the appointment of alternates to the Civil Service Commission to allow a quorum when one member is not available. He explained the appointment process of alternates and noted that Mr. Harper is willing to continue to serve.

Commissioner Martucci nominated Mr. Dean Harper to serve as an alternate to the Civil Service Commission. Commissioner Cusick seconded the motion and the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Dean Harper as an alternate to the Civil Service Commission.

Consideration of a motion to authorize execution of the Township plan agreements with Capital Blue Cross.

Mr. Khalife explained that the benefits currently in place will not change and that the agreements with Blue Cross are necessary so that they can still continue to service the account as they have been through the Benecon Group which handles the Township’s medical insurance.

On motion of Commissioner Martucci, seconded by Commissioner Cusick, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize the execution of the Township plan agreements with Capital Blue Cross allowing Capital Blue Cross to service the account for Township employee medical services.

No public was in attendance.

[Commissioner Unger recessed the meeting. The Board went into Executive Session to discuss personnel and land purchase matters.]

*Meeting was reopened and adjourned with no further action.

As no other business was presented, the meeting was adjourned. The Board of Commissioners went into Workshop.